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Rahu and Ketu in the twelfth and sixth houses can put a lot of stress on a person if they do not handle them properly. Both of these houses are dusthanas which means “bad place”. The person can overwork themselves (Ketu in the sixth).

It can be a good position for Ketu because the sixth house is an upachaya or “growing house” and malefics get better over time in upachayas. This is a strong competitive position for the native. Competition is something that makes them feel safe.

To feel secure, the Ketu in sixth house person will work hard and struggle against enemies and competitors. They can micro-manage every little detail. They believe that life on Earth is a struggle and if they are best at that struggle, they will be safe, secure and come out on top. They put pressure on themselves in their minds and feel they are working much harder than they really are.

The sixth house is a place where we burn worldly karma. When we must deal with enemies, lawsuits, competitors, having things stolen from us, ill-health, we are lightening our load of negative karmas and then we may retreat to get away from worldly problems, relax and contemplate which is the twelfth house.

On a higher level, the sixth house indicates karma yoga, where we work to merge with the work rather than working for a reward. We realize this when we embrace the twelfth house of letting go and surrender. We surrender the results of our work because the twelfth house is surrender. But Ketu in the sixth house has a difficult time surrendering because they expect a particular result for their work and can become frustrated and dissatisfied if they do not get it.

Ketu in the sixth has an attitude that the more they struggle for what they deserve, for their fair share, the more they will earn. Abundance does not come to them through this attitude but through letting go of the need to fight to earn, to overwork to earn. They must learn to trust life and life will take care of them. They do not need to give their attention to every minor detail of life.

As previously mentioned, the sixth house is a dusthana or “difficult place”. It represents fighting enemies, poor health and healing. We do not want to remain there all the time. Life does not always have to be a struggle and filled with stress. Those with Ketu here should deal with tangible problems as they enter the their life rather than make problems when they are not there or make situations more complicated than they need to be. Sometimes they do things not because they enjoy them but because they believe it will ensure their survival.

Rahu in the twelfth will show them that they need to relax, let go, take time off and release worry and anxiety. If they do not do this, they can become ill and be forced to retreat in a different manner, forced to relax and rest because they are sick. This is Rahu showing them that they need to let go and surrender willingly, or worldly events will force them. When they do take a vacation to “get away from it all”, their mind is often on work. The vacation in the phenomenal world does not make a difference in their attitude. Meditation or some type of spiritual practice where they train their mind to stop its incessant chatter and habit of dwelling on work or conflicts or other worldly obligations is the ideal expression of Rahu in the twelfth house. Details should also be foregone in favor of seeing the big picture. They can micro-manage employees or subordinates and be an overbearing boss. In this situation, it is to their benefit to trust in life that the work will get done without their meddling. Trusting in others is part of trusting in life.

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