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Eight of Clubs Birth Card

Eight of Clubs

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.

Date for Eight of Clubs: 28 March, 26 April, 24 May, 22 June, 20 July, 18 August, 16 September, 14 October, 12 November, 10 December

For the Eight of Clubs Birth Card, it is Time to understand that your work is good because of what is real within you or your work is not good because of what is not real within you. The Eight of Clubs Birth Card holds up a mirror to your ideas and your activities. If your ideas align with who you really are, then life flows smoothly, if they do not, then life and work are drudgery. All Eights are a reflection of the Self. Clubs are ideas and those usually translate into our career, work, ideas and social contacts. If you are not authentic in expressing your ideas in the way you work, then you are not making the most of your Birth Card. It is Time to be busy and productive. If you are working a job where you are bored, drained or unhappy because of the work you are doing, then it is time to reevaluate what is authentically you, what it is you are most interested in, what type of work or job would give you inspiration and energy. If you are studying something that is supremely boring, that you are not studying or learning about what is authentically you.

Path Card: Three of Clubs

Three of Clubs Card

The Eight of Clubs Birth Card is traveling a path of lots of activity. You are on the road of examining ideas and different careers. It is a road of less permanency, a road of checking things out, a road of small ups and downs in regards to what you are interested in, in what you are learning. This is a lifetime where you will meet with many opportunities to get a lot of work done. You will come up with a lot of new and original ideas, usually in regards to your jobs or even in social situations. Opportunities will arise for you to test your newfound ideas and put them into practice.

Initiating Force: Three of Spades

Three of Spades Card

This is a highly energized card in this position. You will find your uniqueness and individuality by discovering what you are not and this usually happens through health problems, emotional disappointments or psychological weakness. What is naturally flowing through you is the attempt to become stronger, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Dealing with the adversity in new and ingenious ways is what makes you unique. You also have a knack of seeing how others can overcome their physical and emotional problems. Finding new method of healing and taking care of your health is also a big part of this lifetime.

Developing/Transforming Force: Nine of Hearts

Nine of Hearts

What you are developing in this lifetime is your ability to connect to all of life. That includes people, nature, pets, art, music and spirituality. Hearts on this card can connect to God because they connect emotionally. You have the energy to connect to people but it does not mean you will connect to people that will help you. When you have not learned to love yourself first, you will connect to people that disrespect and abuse you. You have a degree of self-love and you will connect with people who reflect that degree of self-love. Once you develop it, you will attract those who fulfill you emotionally. Nines have the ability to go beyond all limitations, all the way to God. You will transform your relationships and connections into something that can benefit all humanity through the power of letting go of ego-attachment. Your connections with others and your expression through art or music will give inspiration to a wide range of people.

Destructive Force: Seven of Clubs

Seven of Clubs

When you finish chapters of certain ideas, learning or work, you will let go of parts of yourself that are no longer working, you will let go of pre-conceived ideas but possibly people and situations as well. The end of a career will facilitate a major shift in your consciousness, as well as the end of certain social contacts or social circles. The Seven of Clubs is an overly busy card, there is too much work to do and all of this work will make you reevaluate your worldview and what you hold dear, that upholds the ideas you have about yourself and the world. This may cause some pain because your ego identifies with your work or knowledge and it may feel like you are actually dying when these things end but they end to show you that they are no longer a part of you. Everything ends and through ending, you can move on to new beginnings.