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The secrets of the Hora chart correspond to the 2nd House and this varga is a derivative of the second house. Number two has a connotation with “sampat” which in Sanskrit means success, accomplishment, prosperity. The Hora chart will reveal how accomplished the native feels in life, how well they manage their resources. It is not the chart of massive wealth or the kind of wealth where a person can afford a yacht and two or more homes. The Hora is the chart of responsibilities and a lot of our responsibilities revolve around our family and environment.

How to Calculate the Hora Chart

If a planet occupies between 0 – 15 degrees in a Sign, then it remains in the same Sign in the Hora which it occupies in the Birth Chart. If a planet occupies between 15 – 30 degrees, then the planet goes to the opposite Sign in the Hora.

Moon is the Main Karaka (Producer) for Hora Chart

The Moon is the most important planet in the Hora chart. It is the 2nd planet and indicates getting our needs met from the world. The Moon rules the face where our senses reside and we see what we need then we eat or drink and that satisfies us, or not. We surround ourselves with what we like to see, hear, smell and taste. This is our environment and another indication of the Moon. We either feel satisfied within our environment or not and all the levels in between. To understand if a person feels satisfaction with their responsibilities in general, it is important to analyze the Moon in the Hora. The Moon will also provide a sense of accomplishment in one’s responsibilities and the person is able to find worth in those things for which they are responsible.

Important House Cusps

The most important house cusps in the Hora chart are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The 2nd house cusp is important because the Hora chart is a more specific and detailed version of the native’s second house in the Birth Chart.  

The second house cusp in the Hora chart will reveal if the person can manage their responsibilities effectively thus giving them a sense of worth and value. If the second house cusp or its lord is afflicted then the person has trouble managing their responsibilities and either fails at it periodically or finds it a worthless burden.

If you add all the numbers in number 2 you end up with three so numerologically, the 3rd house becomes important. In addition, the third is the second from the second, adding the concept of “house from the house” or bhavat bhavam. The 3rd house cusp in the Hora chart shows how the self-effort and enthusiasm will bring in satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment. If the third house cusp is conjoined a malefic or its lord is debilitated or has harmful planetary states from the Birth Chart and getting further harmed in the Hora, then the person will feel that their effort and enthusiasm is wasted and does not give them satisfaction.

The fourth house cusp is important because two squared equals four. The fourth house cusp shows the concrete things in our lives that we feel satisfied with or not. In many cases, these are land or homes we own or occupy. The home provides an environment for which we are responsible and a place where we feel comfort or not. If the fourth cusp lord is harmed then the person does not get satisfaction from or feel accomplished in their home life.

How to Calculate the Sun and Moon’s Hora

This calculation is different than calculating the Hora chart but also important.

The Deities of the Hora chart are the Sun and the Moon, Surya and Soma, Initiative and Receptivity, the Ancestors and the Devas. If the planet occupies the first 15 degrees of a masculine Sign (Fire or Air Sign) then that planet is ruled by the Sun. If the planet occupies the last 15 degrees of a masculine Sign, then the planet is ruled by the Moon. If a planet occupies the first 15 degrees of a feminine Sign (Earth or Water Sign) then that planet is ruled by the Moon. If a planet occupies the last 15 degrees of a Feminine Sign then that planet is ruled by the Sun.

The masculine planets, Sun, Mars, Jupiter give more satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment in the Sun’s hora because they are dynamic, action-oriented planets. If these planets occupy the Moon’s hora, then it is more difficult to feel satisfaction in what one does because the initiative forces represented by these planets are expecting to receive something for their efforts rather than partaking in the pure joy of doing something for action’s sake.

Feminine planets in the Moon’s Hora are in tune with their natural nature of being receptive and attracting experiences they desire. Their desires are aligned with what comes into their lives. In the case of the Moon in the Moon’s hora, the person gets their needs met and feels like they are in the right environment.

When Venus occupies the Moon’s hora, the Venusian indications that come into a person’s life give satisfaction. This includes relationships, methods of healing and rejuvenation, methods of beautification, respect from others, diplomacy, etc.

The neuter planet Saturn prefers to be in a Hora of the Moon as well. Saturn is the limits we put upon things, it is that which we know we do not want and feminine planets know what they do not want so Saturn does well in the Moon’s hora.

Mercury does well in both the Sun and Moon’s Hora because he can be initiative or receptive.

Moon’s Hora as the Ancestors, Sun’s Hora as the Devas

Our responsibilities in this world are of two esoteric types – the responsibilities to our ancestors and the ancestral line and the responsibilities to the world in general. Responsibilities to the ancestors manifest as those things that are deeply personal and to which we have an emotional attachment. Those responsibilities ruled by the Devas are those for which we make certain sacrifices and for which our emotional attachment is not as strong or completely absent.

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