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Eighth house fortress

Rahu in Eighth House – Ketu in Second House

“Longevity, battle, cheats, impassables/strongholds, wealth of the dead and the soul course – what begins and what after the wise see all from the split/cavity/flaw (Bhava).” – BPHS, 13.9

The eighth house is a house of psychological transformation. It is a Moksha house or house of liberation. As such, it provides freedom from worldly suffering. Spiritual and emotional strength give the result of freedom from suffering. Rahu occupying a water house or house of truth shows the person must develop this inner strength in this lifetime. By doing such, they will integrate the qualities of the Sign Rahu falls within which is the ultimate goal of Rahu.

The eighth house as a succedent house indicates establishing security, specifically emotional security. It is a house of developing the ability to trust and seeing the value of relationships and emotional connections. The eighth house is allowing a partner or the public to value us. The eighth house is what other people value.

Rahu in the eighth house can have a reluctance to contemplate where pathological thoughts, feelings and habits originate. When they do try to go to the source of self-defeating thoughts, at first, they may get a faulty idea of it. Rahu reveals where we pretend whether consciously or subconsciously. We can pretend to dive deeply into our psyche and find the reasons behind neurotic thoughts and behaviors. Sometimes we will be right and other times, wrong. After age 42, the year Rahu matures, we become better at handling the position of Rahu.

The security paradigm of Ketu in the second house is self-sufficiency. Those with Ketu in the second house have such a need for self-sufficiency that they attract people into their lives that have little value to offer them. Rahu in the eighth house is pretending to see value in other people but most of the time, they do not see clearly what other people have to offer. Sometimes, they will attract people who make less money and people who cannot keep promises.

The eighth house rules over strongholds, a place that is hidden, a place that guards life or something equally valuable. Esoterically, this indicates the inner demons most people hide from the world. Rahu in the eighth must come to recognize and understand their own inner demons.

The eighth house is the primary place of transformation. Rahu in the eighth gives a fear of major changes. The most effective way to transform the psyche and emotional body is by connecting to and embracing new and different experiences. Change is good! Every Rahu in eighth house person should embrace this mantra.

The second house is a place of maintenance and sustenance. When Ketu occupies the second, the person’s security is derived from taking care of things, of maintaining their valuables and wealth. An inordinate amount of time is spent on maintenance. Maintaining is not living through new experiences, experiences that are emotionally and psychologically challenging. By embracing the eighth house the person embraces their “soul course” which is the evolution of the soul and this is done through embracing the unknown or whatever lies within the “stronghold”.

Ketu in the second house is so self-sufficient that they will want to do things for their partner or others that the other person should do for themselves. When the Ketu in the second house person takes away the opportunity for their partner to do something themselves, they decrease the value of their partner.

Rahu in the eighth house must learn to embrace the mysterious and that some things in life are meant to remain a mystery or only understood with riddles. They need to trust the process and validity of the hidden side of life. In the ancient world, astrologers and oracles would tell fortunes exclusively in riddles. They did this so that the person understood subconsciously and symbolically rather than logically. The prophecy worked on their psyche subliminally.

Ultimately, Rahu in the eighth house should develop an interest in contemplating the emotional and esoteric meanings of phenomena. The eighth house is longevity which is measured by the experiences we need to connect to emotionally, spiritually and physically to make transforming shifts in our consciousness.

The eighth house rules what is taboo as being part of the “stronghold”, something that is hidden. A taboo is something not sanctioned by society that is hidden away, forbidden. The “impassable” is the forbidden aspect of the eighth house. Part of living fully is sometimes doing what we are not supposed to do, of triggering the disapproval of society. By developing the emotional security to withstand any disapproval from our partner or the public, the soul is making giant leaps along the evolutionary path.

The eighth house is a house of destruction. Parasara indicates it rules “battles”. When life seems to fall apart after we discover an emotional weak spot, it is an opportunity to strengthen that emotional and psychological weak link within us. Sometimes we must make certain emotional connections that will cause us to lose a lot in the material world but these connections are absolutely necessary for Rahu in the eighth house to grow and fundamentally transform.

Rahu in the eighth house must slowly learn to develop trust in life. They do this by developing trust in other people but more importantly trusting that they can handle whatever happens because they are emotionally and spiritually secure. We all have our specific karmas with other people. Only trusting others if they do or do not do specific things is folly. What the person needs to trust is LIFE and they will naturally trust others to do the right thing. If others fail them, then Rahu in the eighth house develops the psychological stamina to handle emotional disappointments. The Rahu in eighth house person must KEEP TRYING to find someone who is capable and has a lot to offer them.

Vulnerabilities are within our stronghold. We must develop the trust that someone else will experience our vulnerabilities and take care of them. It can be another person, or a force greater than ourselves. The eighth house is the house of the occult and trusting in a force greater than ourselves like astrology, I-Ching, Tarot or shamanism. It can also be the Apollonian or solar variety such as metaphysics and Logos.

Rahu in the eighth house needs another entity to transform whether that is a partner or a spiritual entity. The minute we change, the old self dies.

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Rahu second house

Rahu in the 2nd House – Ketu in the 8th House

“Wealth, grains, family, death, collections, friends and metals, minerals, gems, etc. are all looked at from the Dhanasthaana (place of wealth).” BPHS, Ch.13, 9

Rahu & Ketu on the second/eighth axis shows a need for balance in our material life (artha) and spiritual & emotional life (moksha). For the Ketu in Eighth house person, security is being valued by other people, by having secrets and by having a deep emotional fortress to retreat to.

Ketu in the eighth is a little difficult to understand because the eighth house is such a deep, hidden house. Those with this placement feel secure if they can retreat into a hidden world of mystery and if they have at least one person who values them. They are usually not clear about what they need from other people. Due to the fact they do not really understand what they need from others, they will not voice their needs and will appear aloof or as if they do not need other people at all. What they are searching for is a subtle connection, a subtle bond with another person.

Ketu in the eighth house gives strong emotional sensitivity to what other people find important. They are psychic when it comes to others’ deep emotions. This is a classic empath position. Generally, the native can read others easily but this talent is overly relied upon.

For spiritual seekers and aspirants, Rahu in the second house will force the person to develop their material resources and manage their worldly responsibilities before they are satisfied with any type of spiritual practice.

Ketu in the eighth will feel secure relying on others’ resources and following certain spiritual paths, usually those that are not dominant in the culture they were born into. The eighth house rules over the taboos of a culture and following a different religion is considered taboo. However, if the Ketu in eighth house person is avoiding worldly responsibilities and not making their own living, there will always be problems with their chosen spiritual path. They may believe these problems are due to the type of spirituality they are following but that is not the case. The problem lies in the position of Rahu in the second house.

Ketu in the Eighth house tends to have massive breaks in their lifetime. Breaks where their entire life changes and they move to a completely different place, change careers, lose old friends and make new ones. These breaks in their lives are generally not reparable because the eighth house is vulnerabilities and Ketu reveals weaknesses. The two together cause irreparable breaks. The good news is that the person is subconsciously geared toward living life that way. They have an uncanny talent to see the essence of things rather than outward forms.

Outward forms always change but the essences remain. Their friends may change but they understand the essence of friendship and are able to weather the massive changes in their friendships. Lovers may change but they understand the essence of love. Careers and jobs may change but they understand the essence of inspiration and duty. Residences may change but they understand the essence of feeling at home, feeling comforted in one’s environment.

The second house is related to the Moon and comfort. The person longs for stability in their financial and material life, and to be able to adapt to fluctuations in their material life to get their needs met. Despite the massive breaks in their life, they have a fixed ideal about how their material and financial resources should be and are stubborn about these views. Prosperity is getting what we need when we need it and is different than wealth. If a person has a rare illness and finds a doctor who correctly diagnoses it, that is prosperity, not wealth. Rahu in the second house people have problems accessing prosperity. In regards to wealth, it usually takes them a very long time to build up savings they have earned on their own.

The eighth house represents other people’s needs, especially the partner’s needs. Ketu in the second spends too much time focusing on other people’s needs and molding themselves to others’ value systems. They often look for a value system because they are clueless about what their values are and what their needs are. At some point they snap because their needs are not being met by others and they will need to leave the relationship for awhile or permanently. In some cases, they begin a secret relationship.

These people are often born into a family dynamic that is chaotic or highly unusual in that the environment is vastly different than their core being, so they feel like the black sheep of the family or at least, very different from everyone else in their family. This dynamic is also revealed in close friends. In the first part of life, they can have close friends who betray them or unstable, chaotic friends. The reason is that the person is learning the value of friendships and having the family as a resource. They do not have an inherent sense of their own value or self-worth. In this life, they are designed to discover what that is. The process can be painful or humiliating in certain phases of life. As they grow in their own self-worth, they begin surrounding themselves with a familial environment that reflects their newly budding self-worth.

As the Rahu in the second position is integrated, the Ketu position is healed. The massive breaks in the outward life become inner transformations in the service of greater emotional and psychological evolution. They lessen their need to retreat and hide their vulnerabilities as they learn to manage their lives more efficiently. The second house is managing our material life. Rahu’s position is always a test for how well we are managing Ketu’s position. In the case of Ketu in the eighth, if we are not managing our financial and material resources in a healthy way, if we have low self-worth, we can never be secure enough to practice our spiritual life effectively.

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