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The fourth house is emotional and contemplative strength. It is our emotional foundation from which we operate in the world. Moveable houses always begin something new. When the nodes conjoin one of the moveable houses, the person can get stuck when it is time to do something new. The fourth house is a house of feeling. It is more difficult to flow with emotions as they come when Ketu is in the fourth house. The person can get stuck on one emotion, no matter if it is positive or negative or somewhere in-between.

The person can only feel a certain way and that feeling is a security to them. If they felt another way as a child, or certain feelings were expressed, they were punished for those feelings or made to feel ashamed of them. As a coping mechanism, they are now stuck in feeling a certain way about most things.

Ketu deals in absolutes. Ketu wants perfection but also security in that perfection. Reaching a state of perfection in how one feels is exhausting and frustrating so the person sticks to feeling one way about everything, they are uptight about feelings and if they must confront their own hurtful feeling, they will usually withdraw and not deal with them at all.

The angular houses indicate new things. With Ketu in the fourth, the person is designed to do something new but can become stuck when trying to do something new. The new venture, no matter what it is, cannot get off the ground without significant challenges. Angular houses are also reflections. A person can enter a relationship because of how they feel (fourth house) but if they feel bad about themselves, the relationship will reflect that feeling.

The person probably had an anxious, apprehensive mother that was either highly scrutinizing or critical. The person is uneasy and tense regarding their feelings. They do not like to feel certain feelings and are accustomed to remaining in a certain type of feeling. When they were young, they may have been shamed, punished or ignored if they displayed a wide array of emotions. By feeling a certain way, whether negative or positive, they are able to feel secure and that everything will be OK. But their feeling is not true, it is just comfortable. If they deviate in their feelings, that is threatening to them.

The feeling can run the gamut from happiness to deep depression. The person who feels happy all the time is more fun to associate with, however this way of being is pathological because they are not relaxed and allowing for the free flow of feeling. These are the types that go around saying, “Everything is love” and “Live, Love, Laugh”. It is all unicorns and rainbows but this is an unhealthy state of emotional deceit. How they are really feeling is shown by what they are doing (Rahu in the tenth house). These are the more difficult to read Ketu in the fourth house people.

Others can express a feeling of apprehension about everything that comes into their lives or expect the worst from all situations. Sometimes a child is not allowed to feel happiness because of a miserable parent. When they begin doing actions more enthusiastically and not because of what society expects, then they will begin to feel better and improve their emotional peace.

Rahu in the tenth house shows that there are actions a person can take to make them shine in the world, where they will be recognized for their actions and this in turn will make them feel happier and more content.

The Dwadasamsa (D12) will reveal what it is the person experienced in their life that prevents them from feeling happy. Rahu and Ketu are the key planets in the Dwadasamsa. The Dwadasamsa reveals “happiness with parents” but also the ancestral and past life karma. Ketu in the fourth house in the Birth Chart often makes a person feel like they do not deserve to be happy. It is important that the person do the inner work to understand they are the factor of happiness or unhappiness in their emotional life and no one else. They must realize they have the power to change their emotional state.

Ketu’s placement reveals where we desire to be punished because that part of our life is not perfect. Ketu deals in absolutes. Ketu relishes victimization. Because of Ketu’s role in destruction of the ego, he will stifle and limit that area of life he touches. By embracing Rahu, the person can relax and let go in the area of Ketu, and come to a healthy balance. The person must transcend the feeling of wanting to destroy the area of life that Ketu touches.

Rahu and Ketu in angles have a significant effect on happiness in relationships. The reason is that they reveal the relationship we have with ourselves that began with our dependent relationship with our parents. We are living out the relationship with ourselves in relationships with our partner and other people. When we heal the negative, vicious, critical inner voice, and recognize it for what it is, then we are able to move forward in more peace and fulfillment in our relationships. The most important thing to realize is that we have the power to change.

Those with Rahu in the tenth often do become materially successful and this shows them that they have the power to use that in their emotional life to become a more contented person.

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