Two of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Two of Spades: 12 January, 10 February, 8 March, 6 April, 4 May, 2 June
For a Two of Spades Birth Card, it is Time to have your needs met within yourself. It is Time to connect to yourself and become the healthiest you can be, physically, psychologically and spiritually. The Spades are about the Self and Twos are connecting with something. You are attracting what you need within yourself and throughout life become stronger and more self-sufficient. If you are not becoming stronger and healthier within yourself, you are not living the promise of your Birth Card. Two of Spades attract self-sufficiency and almost always, the correct remedy for any illness or psychological trauma. You have strength, grit to get through the adversities of life.
Path Card: Queen of Clubs

For the Two of Spades Birth Card, you are traveling a path of being busy, a path of managing a lot of work and making the most of your career. You are here to do something BIG. You will meet with opportunities to reach the highest success in your career and in your knowledge. The Queen of Clubs is the busiest card so you will not shy away from work. She is also the most intellectual and you will have many opportunities to gain more knowledge then work with it and improve upon it. You are traveling a path of a lifetime of activity.
Initiating Force:Ten of Spades

What flows through a Two of Spades Birth Card is the entirety of physical, mental and spiritual health. You are learning how to find strength in your individuality. Who you really are is the only way for you to live. “I have to live this way or I connot live!” How well you are true to yourself determines your level of health and happiness. You are becomeing a more functioning solo person. The solo strength flows through you in a variety of ways. You will experiment with different ways of being healthy and different methods of self-improvement. Your internal strength will oftentimes come through challenges and you will find strength in those challenges and become more unique. Sometimes you will get into sketchy situations you might not believe you can handle but you can. This position is always auspicious.
Developing/Transforming Force: Five of Clubs

This is a powerful position. Five of Clubs wants to improve and work on their careers, knowledge and hobbies. This position is one of improvement and transformation. You are making the most of your work and career this lifetime. You are also making the most of the knowledge you acquire. If you get a degree or some type of certification, you will make the most of and go very far. You are very busy and getting busier as you get older. You will become more and more efficient in your work and get more return for your output of work. You will make so much progress in your knowledge and work because it is the work that makes you feel alive.
Destructive Force: Three of Diamonds

What will fundamentally change you is moving away from certain material possessions. You will let go of limiting concepts, people and situations by experimenting with your skills and finances or anything of value to you. Through the art of learning new valuable skills, you will make a big internal shift in your psyche, releasing habits and ideas that are no longer serving you. The Three of Diamonds is a card of making an effort to get to a place of financial security. As you do this, the activity will make you realize certain things about yourself and throw in the rubbish what is harming you.