Two of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Two of Hearts: 29 December
For a Two of Hearts Birth Card, it is Time to develop connections. You will feel connected to people, nature, pets, family or God. If you figure out how to be close, you are living the promise of the Two of Hearts Birth Card. This is the epitome of the Heart Suite because it is the second suit. Making close connections is what your Time on this Earth plane is for.
Path Card: Ten of Hearts

The Two of Hearts Birth Card is traveling a path of making connections. You are full steam ahead with an abundance of love and well-wishing in your life. You will encounter many experiences to make connections with friends, lovers, family, nature and places. Your interactions will mainly be based on your ability to be friendly and have people connect with you.
Initiating Force: Ten of Diamonds

For a Two of Hearts Birth Card, what flows through you and makes you unique is your ability to create value. You can create value through your skills and through financial success and opportunities. You do this in very innovative and ingenious ways. By creating value, you become more of who you are. The process individualizes you.
Developing/Transforming Force: Eight of Spades

What a Two of Hearts Birth Card is developing is the ability to take the inner journey of the Self. You are developing the ability to feel freedom in any situation, even those situations you would normally feel stuck within. You are developing the ability to understand yourself, and understand what limiting concepts you have that are preventing you from making a deeper connection to your Higher Self. All Eights have to do with the outer reflecting the inner. The Spade Suit has to do with the Self and understanding what is within the Self that is reflecting in the experiences you have in the outer world. If you are met with negative experiences and/or people in the outer world, it means you must take the inner journey to discover what is wrong inside.
Destructive Force: Ace of Hearts

Through new connections you will let go of limiting concepts, people and situations in your life. Something new that you love will bring about a loss of something else, a loss of something that is no longer serving your evolution. It is love that helps you kill the things in your life you do not need anymore. Love will do the healing work. New love and new emotional connections gets rid of the disease and disease starts with a wrong thought, a thought about ourselves that is not true, it creates a reality where we cannot be happy.