Three of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Three of Spades: 11 January, 9 February, 7 March, 5 April, 3 May, 1 June
For the Three of Spades Birth Card, it is Time to become physically, psychologically and spiritually healthier and experiment with ways of doing this. While you are experimenting, you will fail sometimes and it is important to understand that you must keep trying. Sometimes it may feel like the World is beating you up. This is to ensure that you try out different methods of being, different methods of emotional and physical healing. You are a great experimenter and the experiment is yourself. Threes are all about experimentation. They correspond to the Strength Card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The Three of Clubs represents the power to overcome whatever life throws at you and to learn a better, more efficient way to get stability with your physical and mental health. Spades is a Suit of the Self. Therefore, you are experimenting with the Self and can change and adapt to the situation at hand.
Path Card: Jack of Diamonds

For a Three of Spades Birth Card, you are traveling a path of material and financial abundance. You will meet with many different financial opportunities and opportunities to develop valuable skills that will increase your self worth. You will discover things of obvious value to you, you will attract what you need in the form of partners or resources and you will put to the test that which is valuable. You will encounter experiences that give you the chance to shine. You are walking a path of acquiring what you find valuable, you are on the road of creativity, putting energy into new things to see what the possibilites are. You are exploring the possibilites of valuable skills, of what you find valuable and you are curious like a kid about these things
Initiating Force: Four of Hearts

For a Three of Spades Birth Card, new, fresh experiences come through stable and dependable relationships of any kind, with lovers, family, friends or spiritual devotion. What flows through you in an ever-new way, is your stability with the well-wishers in your life, with the affection you feel for others and what they feel for you. Through these stable connections you will become more individualized and more of who you uniquely are.
Developing/Transforming Force: Four of Diamonds

This is a powerful position because this is the “Queen” position and the Queen energizes the Four. You will develop the ability to be stable in your finances, material resources and valuable skills. You have the potential to create great value to yourself and the world. You can take something of obvious value and turn it into something of greater value. You get obvious, external results. What you find valuable is a sure thing that will grow and produce for you. There is no risk of loss but also no guarantee that you will take it as far as it can go.
Destructive Force: Two of Spades

What will facilitate a major internal change is something you have a need for, something you attracted and sensed was coming, usually in the form of a natural cure for health. The thing you attract could also be a new way of healing any emotional or psychological traumas. Twos attract things into our lives and Spades relate to the Self in the form of physical, mental and spiritual health. You could attract a spiritual mentor or a certain type of therapy. Whatever it is, it will allow you to let go of limiting concepts, habits, situations or people in your life. It will trigger a massive change in your psyche.