Three of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Three of Hearts: 30 November, 28 December
For a Three of Hearts Birth Card, it is Time to experiment with what you enjoy and love. Sameness in hobbies and emotional connections becomes limiting at some point so you need to find other things that you love to do. It is Time to thrive because of what you have become from a previous connection. It is Time to fly apart from one thing you love to another thing you love. It is time to make many types of emotional connections with many different people, pets, places and spiritual paths. You are a person that can have many different hobbies and enjoy them all. These many different activities and hobbies make you thrive and grow. This is a card of expanding love between two people, not a card of infidelity or serial monogamy (unless other factors point in that direction). You can expand your love by getting a pet, then getting a hobby together, then having a child. All of these things make the Three of Hearts Birth Card thrive, because their love is expanding.
Path Card: Jack of Hearts

For the Three of Hearts Birth Card, you are traveling a path of creativity in making emotional connections. You are traveling a path of creativity in Art and Music. You will encounter situations that light your creative spark. You are putting energy into new connections, whether it be with people, situations, places, spirituality or animals, to see what the possibilities are. The Jack of Hearts is a card of children. Children are permanent but their interests are so varied and they are curious about many different things. You are exploring all the possibilities of life and finding new ways to connect.
Initiating Force: Nine of Clubs

For a Three of Hearts Birth Card, your uniqueness comes from your deep connection to knowledge and worthwhile work or work that inspires you. You have a universal love for knowledge and the divine inspiration it can bring, which is does for you in varied ways. A plethora of ideas flows through you giving you an ability to thrive in many types of career. Through your grasp of many types of knowledge and your talent in many jobs, you make a deeper connection to what knowledge, logic and ideas can give the world. You can become an intellectual teacher of divinity, or have that quality about you. You can see how knowledge leads to deeper truths.
Developing/Transforming Force: Nine of Spades

You want to go all the way to the Source or God with your connection to your higher Self. Nines want to go all the way to the end or back to the very beginning, understand the Truth behind everything. Spades are the Self, so having a Nine of Spades in this position, you are developing your talent for making a deeper connection to yourself, understanding your psychology and emotions to neutralize them in the merging with the Higher Self. You are developing the power of solitude and realizing you are your own best friend. Being alone is where you will experience the deep existential Truths.
Destructive Force: Two of Hearts

What fundamentally changes you internally, what helps you to let go of limiting concepts, people and situations is relationships and emotional connections. Making connections with others, with nature or pets, with God, will allow you to shed ideas and phenomena that no longer serve you. This is a nice card to have in this position because it is a nice, friendly, romantic and loving card overall. These wonderful connections that give you emotional happiness trigger the most massive changes within and without.