Three of Diamonds Birth Card

Dates for Three of Diamonds: 24 January, 22 February, 20 March, 18 April, 16 May, 14 June, 12 July, 10 August, 8 September, 6 October, 4 November, 2 December. You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
This Birth Card shows that within the evolutionary process of the Soul, now it is time to do 3 of Diamonds. The 3 is a card of attempting to get secure with something, the 3 of Diamonds is attempting to get secure with anything concrete in life, especially material resources. Much of their life is involved in crisis and attempting to get out of trouble or solve problems. This is the artisan/apprentice card, so this person is always training for something, always learning a new skill they can put to use in their quest for material security. This is a card of psychic ability, these people develop this skill because the world is so unsure to them, the world has no stability, so they must intuitively sense when there is danger or when change is coming. It is a life of adapting to changes and developing skills, being on one’s toes, so to speak. It is a card of earning extra money, getting that extra job that brings in some more income. The person is gifted in seeing what is wrong with a situation and they easily learn from their mistakes. It is a lifetime of learning about the value of particular things and how much energy you want to put into something. A lifetime of understanding that everything has a price and only what has worth to you, is for which you will make sacrifices.
Path Card: King of Diamonds

This Card position shows experiences in the outer world you will encounter. The King of Diamonds forces this Birth Card to sacrifice for the good of others, they utilize their skills and financial resources so that the Kingdom can prosper. It is a Card of specialization. The King of Diamonds is the person everyone wants, the expert in material resources, finances and skills. The person will meet with experiences that forces them to focus on one thing, to learn as much about it as they can and practice that one thing to expert ability. They develop an elite level in their skills and material resources because of this intense focus. The 3 of Diamonds person will also meet those with a lot of value throughout life, those who are highly specialized in something, experts that can help them in their endeavors.
Initiating Force: Six of Hearts

The card of ever newness, of childlike wonder, of constantly adapting and changing is flowing through the person in ways of making connections with others, of the most efficient and excellent ways of expressing love and devotion within all kinds of relationships. You are here to experience love more as yourself, to be loved for who you are and to love others for who they uniquely are. We can only love in the way that we are. The way you naturally are with friendship, love, any type of connection to life works very efficiently. Making connections is something very natural to you that you do at a high level.
Developing/Transforming Force: Four of Clubs

You have tremendous potential for a secure career, dependable knowledge and a foundational social life. It is up to you to take that potential or energy and make it into the most secure and dependable aspect of your life as possible. Clubs have intellectual talent and the 4 of Clubs in this position will work to develop their intellectual capacity so they can operate from a philosophical platform in their lives. You have a tremendous amount of energy for work, and in this position, take that energy and do what is most productive for you. Your knowledge and career are of obvious value that will grow and produce for you. There is no risk of loss but no guarantee you will take it to 100% either. It is up to you to transform all the potential into something greater, the most excellent you can have.
Destructive Force: Two of Diamonds

You get something you have desired, something concrete that takes up space, and now it is time for a self-appraisal. The acquiring of something will cause you to let go of something, either materially or something within yourself, like a limiting concept or a bad habit. What will facilitate the end of something, the letting go of that which is no longer who you are and holding you back, will be something you have a need for that is familiar to you, something that you had hoped would come into your life, especially having to do with something you thought was very valuable. As soon as this sought after “something” arrives, something else is let go. This Card is like worn out shoes that you have grown out of, so the shoes need to be discarded. Usually the thing you acquire is not the thing you let go of, it is the catalyst for that letting go. This is a Card of opportunities that will allow you to shine and will give you an element of status.
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