Three of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Three of Clubs: 29 May, 27 June, 25 July, 23 August, 21 September, 19 October, 17 November, 15 December
For a Three of Clubs Birth Card, it is Time to grow in business, career and knowledge. It is Time to experiment with your ideas and be an original thinker. You do not need to follow anyone’s knowledge, you will develop your own and test it. This is a powerful Card because Clubs are the 3rd Suit and the Three of Clubs gives a double hit. Innovative and original thinkers are the Three of Clubs. You cannot be fooled and can see through lies, especially when someone is being intellectually dishonest. You love to test knowledge and ways of doing thing. You love to experiment and prove things for yourself.
Path Card: King of Clubs

The Three of Clubs Birth Card is traveling a path of self-sacrifice. You will make sacrifices for your career and knowledge, for your inspiration and ideas. In making those sacrifices, you will have greater fulfillment. You will give up a little bit of yourself in regards to your career and your concepts about the world for a bigger picture of happiness in your life. You are walking a path of seeing how knowledge can be divine, of how ideas and concepts can give you a stronger awareness of yourself and make you realize what your true career is. You can handle a lot of work and responsibility but you also will meet with experiences that cause you to develop a one-pointed focus.
Initiating Force: Jack of Diamonds

For the Three of Clubs Birth Card, you are here to explore the myriad ways of becoming valuable and creating value. In fact, that is your number one talent, creating value and doing it in innovative, ingenious ways. What makes you unique is your ability to increase your self-worth through many different skills. Everything of value is manifesting constantly in your life. It can be through material or financial resources, through valuable skills or through whatever you find valuable. Diamonds are very individualistic because what one person finds valuable, another may not.
Developing/Transforming Force: Four of Hearts

This is a powerful position for the Four of Hearts because it is the “Queen” position and the Queen encompasses the 4, 5 and 6. You are developing your ability to make connections to people, animals, nature, art, music and spirituality. Who and what you connect to will reflect how you feel about yourself. If you do not have love for yourself, you will attract those that do not respect you and will take advantage of you. It is important that you develop healthy self-love because then you will make beneficial connections in your life. You will develop the ability to connect to solid and stable relationships and to those who will become your well-wishers.
Destructive Force: Four of Diamonds

A dependable financial situation, a solid home, stable material resources are those things that will trigger a change in your psyche and allow you to let go of limiting concepts, ideas, people or situations that hold you back. Sometimes the letting go will be painful but most often it will not. You do not need radical and stressful situations to change you internally. You will make that shift by having a stable and secure life, especially with regard to financial and material resources or whatever you find valuable.