Ten of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Ten of Hearts: 31 July, 29 August, 27 September, 25 October, 23 November, 21 December
It is Time for constant and sustained activity with making connections to all forms of Life and Spirit. The Ten of Hearts Birth Card runs the gamut of forming relationships to people, animals, plants and spirituality. Throughout life, you will meet with constant connections of all different types, there is an abundance of connections. Due to this abundance of connections, the Ten of Hearts Birth Card is usually very well-liked and has an immense support network. The Ten of Hearts usually has the most compatible relationships and if you do get into an incompatible relationship, there usually appears a way out without too much resentment or animosity. You can derive happiness from multiple sources. You have the ability to get what you want in life, in regards to your emotional connections. Seeking out new emotional connections, attracting who you want and need, being experimental and playful in your connections, having emotional stability, improving upon that stability and transforming it into something very fulfilling, that is the worldly path of the Ten of Hearts. The inner/esoteric path is realization that all worldly relationships have limits, developing a loving relationship with yourself and being more emotionally detached from outer relationships, then taking the loving relationship you have with yourself and realizing your connection to all Life, the Divine Love within all creation. This is the promise of the Ten of Hearts. If you are not walking this path, you are not living up to your Birth Card potential.
Path Card: Seven of Clubs

The Ten of Hearts Birth Card is walking a path of lots of activity, of getting work done. It is a lifetime of getting things done. For the Seven of Clubs, there are lots of changes in career, work and the knowledge you are interested in learning. There are some sacrifices to be made in regards to work and career. This is a road of limitations in the career and knowledge. When you reach the limits of something, it just means that is the most you can get. This is a lifetime where you are meant to realize, “Ok, this is all that is available.” It is rather easy for people who have a 7 of Clubs on the 10th Card to want more from their careers and more from knowledge but if you continue to want more from these things, you will end up disappointed. Seven of Clubs here is designed to allow the Ten of Hearts Birth Card kick back and let the career take care of itself, or allow the knowledge you have to work for you, rather than wanting more in regards to these things. Sometimes this Birth Card will meet with experiences that give too much work, an overwhelming amount of activity, forcing the person to choose only one career choice and work with that rather than trying to accomplish everything.
Initiating Force: Five of Diamonds

For the Ten of Hearts Birth Car, discover the talents, the worth, the gifts you have, what makes you special and improve upon it. Fives are designed to improve upon things and the Five of Diamonds wants to progress in their value and you will discover a variety of new ways to make this happen and as you do, you will become more of who you are. In fact, others will come to you because you have such innovative ways of improving upon financial and material resources, new ways of honing valuable skills. All Suits are heading towards worthwhile, valuable experience, an experience that’s worth being on Earth for. Diamonds on the Jack card is getting those experiences that are really worth it for you. What is truly valuable to you that allows you to live a worthwhile life? Diamonds are very personal because each individual has their own ideas about what is valuable.
Developing/Transforming Force: Queen of Spades

This is a powerful position because it is a Queen on a Queen Card. (The Developing/Transforming Force corresponds to the Queen.) You are here to discover your potential in becoming the most physically and psychologically healthy you can become. You are here to develop your capacity for emotional centeredness and spiritual awareness in regards to your Higher Self. You are here to nurture the relationship to yourself. A Spade on the Queen Card is here to transform the energies not working for you, like taking a weak body, a physically impaired body and transform it into something healthy and functional. The work has to do with the Self for a Spade. It is not, “How can this outside thing better my life?” but “How can I transform myself to have a better life?”
Destructive Force: Jack of Clubs

The careers and knowledge you are most excited about are those that show the limited perspectives and limiting habits and thought patterns to which you cling. The work that ignites your passion will end up fundamentally transforming you. Discovering and developing new work, knowledge and social contacts will allow you to let go of wrong notions about yourself and the world. As a result, you may lose people of situations that no longer benefit your evolution.