Ten of Diamonds Birth Card

You can now purchase an hour-long video of a comprehensive overview of the Ten of Diamonds Birth Spread including the meaning of all 13 cards within the Spread.
Dates for Ten of Diamonds – You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
17 January, 15 February, 13 March, 11 April, 9 May, 7 June, 5 July, 3 August, 1 September
The Ten of Diamonds Birth Card indicates it is time for constant and sustained activity with material and financial resources, for learning valuable skills and increasing your self-worth. The 10 of Diamonds encompasses the entire Diamond Suit, so it runs the gamut of the meaning of the Diamonds. It denotes a constant stream of responsibilities and things that need care and attention. Diamonds always make sacrifices and realize there is a price to pay for anything you want in life. It is the path of being materially comfortable and this card represents the western direction and the season of Autumn. You are on the road to success and have an optimistic outlook. These are the promises of a 10 of Diamonds. A strong sense of value in yourself usually manifests with the 10 of Diamonds as a Birth Card. If it does not, it is usually because the person can be overly optimistic or unrealistic in their worldview. The 10 of Diamonds as Birth Card gives the person the ability to contact the Spirit world.
Path Card: Five of Diamonds

This is a very important Birth Card because so much of life revolves around the Five of Diamonds. You are walking the path of trying to improve upon life, trying to increase your financial worth. This card will give you experiences that will make you improve your surroundings, improve your environment, struggle to make something more valuable. All fives are trying to make progress, and Diamonds are concrete possessions and material/financial resources, in addition to things the 10 of Diamonds Birth Card really wants. Thus, the 10 of Diamonds Birth Card will meet with opportunities in the mundane world to improve upon everything of value that they acquire. It is a path of discovering the value of things, the self-worth a person harbors and the price there is to pay to acquire something.
Initiating Force: Queen of Spades

What is unique and new about a Ten of Diamonds Birth Card is your maturity, emotional centering, your seriousness and industriousness. Your individuality is honed through self-control and detachment. What is flowing through you is your connection to yourself, your psychological and physical health and of course, constantly improving upon those things. You are a person that will take charge for the long-term and this talent will always be approached in a new way, your leadership will always be changing in its function and form. Your self-assurance is something that is natural to you and contributes to your unique individuality.
Developing/Transforming Force: Jack of Clubs

A Jack in the Queen Card shows the person is developing creativity and transforming their creative energy into a more productive force. That energy manifests through work, career, learning and social contact. You are developing your ability to think of new ideas and careers, attract what you need to take those ideas and jobs to something greater and then test those ideas in many different ways or experiment with your new careers to see how they can benefit you the most. The Jack of Clubs is a super high-energy card that is so creative in many ways and you are learning how to make the most of this creative energy. The person cannot sit still and is constantly working on or learning something new.
Destructive Force: Nine of Diamonds

The destructive force acts through luck and receiving what you want. By receiving what you want, you release old habits, situations, people that do not serve you well and are limiting to your full self-expression and happiness. Developing a strong sense of self-worth will also get rid of anything in your life that is holding you back. Sometimes the discarding can cause pain but it is necessary for you to grow. Giving to charity is also an avenue through which you will fundamentally change throughout you life. The giving can be of time and energy, not necessarily money. Through astrology and deep intuitive ability the Ten of Diamonds person will discard their limiting habits and thought patterns to make room for greater growth. The Nine of Diamonds is a highly intuitive card and also a card of astrology.