Ten of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Ten of Clubs: 30 January, 28 February, 26 March, 24 April, 22 May, 20 June, 18 July, 16 August, 14 September, 12 October, 10 November, 8 December
It is Time for constant and sustained activity with work, knowledge and communications. The Ten of Clubs Birth Card is a Card of ambition. It is the Path of business and being active. You have an innate business acumen and can approach and you can approach work from any angle to acquire success. You have the ability to change, shift and adapt to reach a certain goal. The Ten of Clubs is the ambition it takes to get us to the Diamonds, which is ultimately what we want. The Ten of Clubs runs the gamut of work, activity and communications. You can take a new idea or business opportunity, attract what you need to make it grow, experiment with this new idea or career, have it become stable then improve upon it until it becomes the most fulfilling and efficient career for you, then realize there is perhaps too much work and effort and get rid of what is no longer necessary, then take an outer journey to discover what work and knowledge inspires you most, what ideas are most uniquely you, then make a connect to divine knowledge or realize the divine through your work and knowledge, make a long-term business deal that reflects divine knowledge. This is the promise of the Ten of Clubs. If you are not walking this path, you are not living up to your Birth Card potential.
Path Card: Seven of Hearts

The Ten of Clubs Birth Card walks a path of understanding the limits of emotional connections on planet Earth. If you are a spiritual seeker, you will realize the limits of making an emotional connection to your particular deity or spiritual path. If you are an artist, you will realize the limits of having people connect with your art. When you get to the 7, this Card will do the work for you, you have reached the limit of that Suit. In your personal dealings, you will realize the limitations of relationships with people. Realizing limitations is a strength, a divine strength because you are able to keep your expectations in check. There are no problems in the 7 because it is nice to be at the end of the road. You will be lucky in emotional, artful and spiritual connections but realize it is the end of the road in worldly gain.
Initiating Force: Seven of Diamonds

This is the Jack Card position. This position is very personal for the Ten of Clubs Birth Card, the “This is how you are,” Card. You will realize your uniqueness through limitations in financial and material resources. This does not mean you will be poor or even not be rich. It means that you can only make so much before you get burned out and you are okay with this realization. The Seven of Diamonds in this position will usually have you concentrate on one skill or one financial resource that will make you quite valuable after all the others have ended. You will go through many different ways to acquire material resources and valuable skills but all of them will either end or have limitations except for one and with that one you will move to build something that can give you supreme stability and in some cases bring wealth and/or recognition and respect.
Developing/Transforming Force: Five of Spades

You are a hard worker that enjoys the work and does not care that much about the results your hard work brings. The work on yourself, especially your physical, psychological and emotional health is what you have the power to transform into something that benefits your greatly. You will transform your negative energy into something useful and productive. You will develop the ability to get out of unproductive, draining or overall negative situations. A lot of your life will be spent working to transform your faults into positives that will make you stronger, to transform bad health into the best physicality. You have something that has limited potential but you go for it, you take the one in a million chance and emerge a better person and feel glad you went for it.
Destructive Force: Jack of Hearts

Through making new emotional connections, through creating art or music, through attracting the right people in your life and finding hobbies that you love, you will make big shifts and release a lot of limiting perspectives. Those hobbies you love, the people you are most excited to spend time with, the spiritual path you are most drawn to, these things will show you what is limiting in your life and show you the people and situations you must let go of to develop as a human being. It is love and appreciation that helps you kill the things in your life you do not need anymore. This Card shows that love can actually allow you to let go of the negative energies within and without. Love does the healing work.