Six of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Six of Spades: 8 January, 6 February, 4 March, 2 April
For the Six of Spades Birth Card, it is Time to be fulfilled in regards to your physical, emotional and psychological health. Being fulfilled is an Art and the Spade Suit is about the Self. So the highest expression of this Birth Card is to be completely fulfilled with your Self. All 6s generally know how to be fulfilled. You will understand how to make the health you have work the best fo you in this life. If you are trying to obtain more, you are not working in your Birth Card and you will cause unnecessary problems for yourself. The Six of Spades is the most efficient in working with the psychology and spiritual understanding you have already within yourself. There is no need to obtain more. You are blessed with the best circumstances in regards to your physical and emotional grit that is possible. If you try to strive for more, you will make yourself anxious and unhappy. The 6 corresponds to the planet Venus and Venus is the best the world has to offer. There is nothing worldly beyond Venus. If you want to go beyond, then you enter into the spiritual realms. You can strive to make the astral body stronger through yoga and breathwork, but it will not benefit your physical body in this life. The Art of Being Content is something you naturally have. If you are not naturally content with the overall health of the Self, you are not reaching the fullest expression of your Birth Card.
Path Card: Three of Diamonds

The Six of Spades Birth Card is traveling a path of examining material and financial opportunities, of examining how to make themselves more valuable by learning skills. You are walking a path of testing your skills in the world, of learning new trades. The Three of Diamonds is an apprentice card, a training card, a card of the world testing you. You will meet with opportunities throughout life that will push you to increase your financial security. Sometimes this card in the “Path” position can cause many crises that you must work through and take care of because of your natural ability to take care of problems. It is a road of small ups and downs. A card of intelligence and psychic ability. A witch-woman card and card of a psychic healer. It is important to develop certain skills to reach your goals.
Initiating Force: Ace of Spades

A powerful position because the Ace is a card of initiation and this is the Initiating position. Those things that flow through you in ever-new ways, those things in life that make you unique are so new and ingenious that they are probably brand new for the entire world or society at large. The new things that flow through you are new ways of psychological, physical and emotional health. It is essentially new ways of dealing with problems. When we intend to work ourselves out psychologically or physically, it is usually by tackling something we see as a problem. The Ace of Spades in this position gives the Six of Spades Birth Card a natural talent for identifying and solving these problems. As you do this, you renew yourself over and over again.
Developing/Transforming Force: Seven of Hearts

You are developing your ability to recognize and use the limits of human relationships. You recognize the limits of artistic expression and devotion to the phenomena of this world. Recognizing limits is a very important but also overlooked skill. We all want to think we can go beyond limits are that there should be no limits like the saying, “The Sky is the limit.” However, everything worldly has limits and when a person does not recognize this, they get into trouble or they become bitter through disappointment. The Seven of Hearts here will help you learn how to not become disappointed or disillusioned with people, situations or things that you love because you understand their limits. After you have developed this skill within you, you are able to go beyond worldly connections to Divine Love or love for all of creation and beyond. Sometimes developing this skill can give painful experiences with attachment and expectations. The Seven of Hearts in this position is also a place where you learn to develop self-love, even through all of your shortcomings and faults.
Destructive Force: Seven of Diamonds

What helps you to make inner shifts in your consciousness is loss of material and financial resources. The Sevens signify loss but after the loss there is one thing left over that is stable and you can work with. It is this one concrete thing, usually in the form of some material resource or valuable skill, that you learn to work with and that will be a source of stability in your life. But before that happens, by losing what is unnecessary, are you able to let go of situations, things, people that hold you back and that are no longer serving you. Imagine a person that is a hoarder and never lets go of anything and they can barely walk through their house, then a hurricane comes along and destroys the house and all of the possessions. But one possession is left and the person begins anew with this one possession and all the baggage they had been carrying was swept away and they are gifted a new life. This is an extreme example but gives an idea about the power of letting go of the material to also let go of the habits and situations that hold you back in your evolution.