Six of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Six of Hearts: 29 October, 27 November, 25 December
For the Six of Hearts Birth Card, it is Time to be fulfilled in connections, with people, animals, nature, art and music. Being fulfilled is an Art that Sixes master through life. The love and connectedness you receive and give in your life is there to fulfill you. If you want more, then you are over-reaching and not living the promise of your Birth Card. Being happy with what you have is one of the highest states a person can reach. Number 6 corresponds to the planet Venus and Venus indicates the best the world has to offer. Number 6 is the best the mundane world has to offer before the person moves into realms of the Self and the Spirit. So with a Six of Hearts Birth Card, you should recognize the relationships you have with others are the most fulfilling they can be. If you want to move further, then you move into the esoteric and spiritual.
Path Card: Ace of Hearts

For a Six of Hearts Birth Card, you are traveling a path of new relationships and new connections. You will meet with experiences throughout life where you will make new connections and you will find new ways of creatively expressing yourself. The path is one of meeting a lot of new people. Emotional connections never become boring.. If you are an artistic or musical person, you will have many opportunities to express your talent uniquely.
Initiating Force: Ace of Diamonds

This is a powerful position because Aces initiate things and the Ace of Diamonds falls in the Initiating position. Who you naturally are, what flows uniquely through you, are ingenious skills that are new for the entire world or new for society at large. You are really exploring yourself this lifetime. There is a constancy of discovering new things about yourself, new things you can do, new ways you can be. There are lots of discoveries with regard to financial and material opportunities and employing your skills.
Developing/Transforming Force: Queen of Diamonds

This is a powerful position because it is a Queen Card in the “Queen” position. You will develop material abundance and self-worth through development of valuable skills. You are developing the ability to manage anything and to increase abundance for yourself and everyone in your life. You will learn what is valuable to you and improve upon it and a lot of your life is spent doing this. There is potential of great value to yourself and to the world.
Destructive Force: Five of Hearts

For a Six of Hearts Birth Card, improving upon your emotional connecting, through trying to get a better feeling, you will make serious internal shifts in your psychology. Attempting to improve all kinds of relationships will cause things, people, situations to leave your life that are no longer beneficial or are holding you back in your evolution. Sometimes you will leave or get rid of these things and sometimes these things will naturally fall away or leave you, causing some emotional pain. All 5s are improvement and through improvement what is no longer needed is discarded.