Six of Diamonds Birth Card

Dates for Six of Diamonds: 21 January, 19 February, 17 March, 15 April, 13 May, 11 June, 9 July, 7 August, 5 September, 3 October, 1 November. You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
It is Time for the Six of Diamonds Birth Card to be successful in worldly affairs but you must pay a price for it. This is a card of struggle because its financial fulfillment requires a lot of time and energy. As long as the 6 of Diamonds keeps putting their energy into something, they will acquire the material reward but it is not a free ride, they must continue to do what is necessary to maintain the level of success. It is a card of a pay raise and promotion. The 6 of Diamonds is an extremely intuitive and psychic card that gives exceptionally helpful counsel. A card of understanding fulfillment and that feeling fulfilled in life is an art. The person has a way of viewing life that makes what they have worth having. The 6 of Diamonds is blessed with the best in life they are going to get. If they want more, that particular road will lead to discontentment and frustration. The 6 of Diamonds can find fulfillment because they develop wisdom. What the 6 of Diamonds possesses can be evaluated from new viewpoints when they become bored or discontented.
Path Card: Three of Spades

The Six of Diamonds Birth Card is walking a path of getting stronger, encountering situations that force them to grow and adapt to become stable and secure. The nature equivalent is a stem sprouting from a seed, it is fragile and the roots are thin so it is a vulnerable time. It is a road of examining your deep psychology, examining the different facets of a contemplative life, testing and trying out different methods of becoming physically healthier. The path is one of small ups and downs, of less permanency, of checking things out, but checking them out to develop greater self-awareness. It is a path through the inner-life. The 3 of Spades is a card of discovering our weak spots, so the 6 of Diamonds is often confronted with circumstances that reveal these weak spots.
Initiating Force: Nine of Hearts

Traditionally, the is one of the best cards of the deck because it is the “wish card” and will grant your wishes. What flows through the Six of Diamonds Birth Card, what is constantly new with them, is a divine love, and true connection with all of humanity and beyond. They experience the love and connectedness in ever-new ways. They have their wishes fulfilled in a variety of ways and many times these wishes are unconscious. What is unique about a 6 of Diamonds is their connection to all life and one of the reasons a 6 of Diamonds is such an intuitive Card.
Developing/Transforming Force: Seven of Clubs

This is also called the Queen or Neptune Card. This is a card the 6 of Diamonds will spend a lot of their life within. What the 6 of Diamonds will maintain throughout their life is heightened activity because a lot of problems will need to be managed and resolved. The person must up their game when it comes to career and work because the problems will not be solved without this level of effort. A card of being able to minimize losses. Maintaining success after hard work. What is also sustained is a lot of endings to career projects. The 6 of Diamonds will sustain hard work and success but then it will end and they will move onto something else in terms of work or learning that they must sustain until it ends. The act of putting a significant amount of time and attention into something, acquiring the success from that work, then experiencing its end is a massive part of the 6 of Diamonds life.
Destructive Force: Five of Diamonds

The destructive force removes all that is not You. The 6 of Diamonds will be fundamentally changed by the 5 of Diamonds, meaning improvement upon financial and material resources will help the 6 of Diamonds let go of false concepts. A battle is taking place in regards to financial resources, social status and self-worth. Something is going wrong with these things and you must figure out the problem from a different perspective than what you usually do, but the successes will be more than the failures and the financial successes will destroy what is no longer needed in the life of the 6 of Diamonds.