Six of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Six of Clubs: 30 March, 28 April, 26 May, 24 June, 22 July, 20 August, 18 September, 16 October, 14 November, 12 December
For a Six of Clubs Birth Card, it is time to be busy, it is Time to work. You need to do the work you are inspired to do, the work that you get excited about. The work you do must be right for you because that is what makes life livable. The work you do must reflect who you really are. You are here to be fulfilled by your work and learning to be fulfilled is an Art. If you are striving for something more then you are not living the promise of your Birth Card. The Art of being fulfilled with your work, your social contacts, your ideas and ways of thinking is the capacity to develop wisdom. The Six of Clubs Birth Card is blessed with the best work you will get in this lifetime.
Path Card: Five of Clubs

The Six of Clubs Birth Card is traveling a path of opportunities to improve their career. They will encounter people and situations that will naturally boost their career while remaining fulfilled with what they already have. They will learn how to improve upon their ideas and ways of thinking. You are walking a path of high activity, of extreme energy to do something. You will be extremely busy in your career. You are traveling a pass of massive change in your learning and how you view the world around you. Events will happen to you that will change your social situation, change your job. Many times you will reorganize your home and hobbies. Situations will force you to make extra effort at work.
Initiating Force: Three of Diamonds

For the Six of Clubs Birth Card this is a highly energized position. You will find your uniqueness and individuality by discovering what you are not in regards to your valuable skills and what you consider valuable. “No, I tried that, it does not fit me, I’ll try another skill or experiment with my resources, not that does not fit me either.” And you keep trying until you find something that does fit. It is a very exciting experimentation game, there is hardly ever boredom with the Three of Diamonds on this position. You become highly individualized through your experimentation with what you find valuable and also through what makes you feel worthy, what increases your self-worth. As you go through life, you will discover that you learn skills and trades very quickly. You also have a unique talent for making extra money by doing all sorts of different work.
Developing/Transforming Force: Ace of Spades

For a Six of Clubs Birth Card, you will always see a tremendous amount of potential in new ways of being, in new problems, in new psychological or emotional therapies, in new health remedies or new ways of getting healthy. The Spades are about the Self and the Ace is a New Self. Usually this New Self is developed through facing problems and adversities in life. Much of life is spent on focusing on improving the Self, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Destructive Force: Seven of Hearts

This is a little more difficult placement because you will let go and transform the inner self through loss in relationships and not only romantic relationships. Through understanding the limits of human love, the limits of expressing oneself through art or music, the limits of being devoted to something, you will lose things in life that are no longer serving you and creating unwanted baggage in your life. Sometimes these losses can be painful but the dirt must be removed from the True Self so it can shine.