Seven of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Seven of Spades: 7 January, 5 February, 3 March, 1 April
For the Seven of Spades Birth Card, it is Time to recognize limitations, especially in regards to physical, emotional and psychological health. You are here to realize the limits of the Spade Suit, which is the Self in the physical and spiritual sense. Limitations are beautiful and recognizing limitations is a powerful thing. An example: a person is born diabetic or with a defective limb, so there are limitations to the foods they can eat or activities they can perform, so the person goes beyond those limits by discovering new ways of eating, new developments of prosthetic limbs. When you realize limitations of your Suit, you can go beyond into another Suit to discover how those limitations can be overcome. The Seven of Spades Birth Card has a talent for recognizing what is wrong within themselves, what is harming their physical and emotional health then taking steps to get rid of it. Sevens corresponds to the planet Saturn, the planet of limits and time. Because the Seven of Spades is aware that we only have so much time of life on Earth, they use the time wisely and have the ability to make every moment count, especially in regards to growing mentally and spiritually and becoming healthier.
Path Card: Queen of Hearts

The Seven of Spades Birth Card is traveling a path of making and developing emotional connections. This can be to developing their musical/artistic skills and expression, developing close relationships of all types, or connecting with animals, nature or God. Situations you encounter on the road of life will give you the opportunity to improve on any relationship or your artistic expression. All kinds of wonderful things can come from these nurtured connections. A Queen is a very powerful card and when it is the Queen of Hearts, others will warm to you and want to help you when you correctly use your power of connections. This is a Card that you learn how to do, a Card that gets better as you age.
Initiating Force: Ten of Clubs

You will have an abundance of work, activity and learning. What is unique about you and what flows naturally through you is your ability to do all kinds of work, to make all kinds of social contacts and work with them to further your career. You will also have abundant and innovative ideas and ways of thinking. The Ten of Clubs encompasses all the Clubs so the entire Club Suit flows naturally through you and you are very unique in its expression.
Developing/Transforming Force: Eight of Diamonds

You are developing the ability to find more and more value within yourself. In the first part of life, you may believe you need a lot of financial and material resources. You may believe you need a lot of valuable skills and develop them. But as you grow older, you realize the value within yourself and will need less and less of these things even though you may have them. The Eights are about going within. The Eight of Diamonds is a “Luck” card so the luck gets stronger over time, but the luck you receive is because you have developed your self-worth and the outer will reflect the inner. You transform the ability to have the environment line up in the right way to get what you want, it is a talent you are developing. Once the environment lines up, what you desire will happen rather rapidly.
Destructive Force: King of Spades

A very powerful Card in this position because this is the “King” position so a King Card in a King position. You will let go of everything that does not support who you are. You will get rid of all the extra baggage, like bad habits, draining or boring work, toxic people, situations that do not benefit you. You free yourself up from anything that is holding you back from your clearest self-expression, especially in regards to what harms your health or your psychological well-being. The King of Spades is a hermit. Through being alone and self-reflection, you will lose things in your life that are no longer working.