Seven of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Seven of Hearts: 30 September, 28 October, 26 November, 24 December
For the Seven of Hearts Birth Card, it is Time to understand the limits of connections. Like all Sevens, Seven of Hearts is about limitations and the endings of things. You can see that human relationships have limits. There is only so much connectedness or love in the phenomenal world and when you realize this, you can go beyond to love of the Self and Divine Love. All human relationships end and to understand this concepts gives you a lot of power because once understood, your expectations are never unrealistic or too high. You can connect with others, with music and art, with nature and animals in a healthier way, not a needy or pathological way. The Seven of Hearts can also see quite clearly when certain connections are unhealthy or co-dependent and move on without animosity or regret. Every connection has a purpose and a time limit and you carry the wisdom within this Birth Card to let go when the connection has fulfilled its purpose and its time has come.
Path Card: Four of Clubs

The Seven of Hearts Birth Card is walking a path of finding meaningful work and being satisfied and secure in that work. You will meet with experiences that give you an opportunity to understand what it is you want to put your energy into, what you would like to learn and what you would like to do and to be solid and secure in it. Fours are security and Clubs are your ideas, career and social contacts. If you are remaining in a career that gives you no inspiration, a job that is pure drudgery, you should walk a different path because a new opportunity will present itself for you to find fulfillment in these things.
Initiating Force: Two of Diamonds

The Seven of Hearts Birth Card will attract financial and material opportunities that reflect your individuality, that reflect what is uniquely you. Those skills you want to learn and become adept at, they will make you feel comfortable in who you are, as will the opportunities that enhance your material resources. Twos always come together with something, they attract things and you are attracting what you want in a multitude of ways. You are discovering all the different possibilities in ways of attracting the opportunity to acquire what you really want. You are here to discover the talents, the worth, the gifts you have that makes you special.
Developing/Transforming Force: Jack of Spades

You are here to develop your potential, not in what you are doing, but in your ability to be healthy, both physically and psychologically and your potential for spiritual awareness. You will work to explore new and unique ways of doing this. You are here to discover all of your negative energy and transform it. If you have frustration and anger, that is good because it is energy. The angry person vs. the passive person who are both unhappy, the angry person has more potential because the anger is the energy. A Spade in this position is to transmute the energies not working for you. And because it is a Jack, what you will be transforming are new negative energies or problems that arise and new experiences that beat you up, that try to rip at your self-esteem and self-worth.
Destructive Force: Eight of Clubs

The force that will make great internal shifts within you is the road to success and social heights. Society, the free exchange of ideas, reaching your full potential in career and society will make you lose things in your life that are dead weights, that are no longer serving you, that only hinder your evolution as a human being. Taking journeys to remote places to find yourself is also a good way to get rid of excess baggage in your life. Eights give journeys. The Eight of Clubs gives outer journeys for self-discovery.