Seven of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Seven of Clubs: 29 March, 27 April, 25 May, 23 June, 21 July, 19 August, 17 September, 15 October, 13 November, 11 December
For the Seven of Clubs Birth Card, it is Time to be very busy and Time to find worthwhile work that is inspiring. It is Time to concentrate on the most important knowledge for you. You will recognize the limits of knowledge and the limits of career. You will take knowledge and/or your career to the highest it can go and then see the end. The Suit of Clubs (work, career, society, knowledge, ideas) is not here to fill your entire world. Life only gets so good in regards to these things. If you can get to the point of reaching the highest in the Club Suit, you have reaped the most out of life. Then you will ask yourself, “What can I do to go beyond my work and way of doing things?” The Seven of Clubs Birth Card can become a workaholic if not careful and can lead to burnout. That is when the understanding of limitations comes in. It is very much a success card in regards to career and reaching high social standing but once you have done this, it is time to move on to something else of the other Suits.
Path Card: Four of Diamonds

The Seven of Clubs Birth Card is traveling a path of security in prosperity. You will encounter opportunities to increase your financial and material resources and also to increase your self-worth. You may have many opportunities to purchase land or real estate. Whatever it is that you encounter, it will be valuable and secure.
Initiating Force: Two of Spades

What flows through you in a myriad of ways is your potential to find strength and happiness in who you really are. “I must live this way, or I cannot live!” You will become a more functional solo person. What is coming through you is your unique strength that only you possess and this oftentimes comes through challenges, physical and mental. Those challenges may be through health or emotional disappointments, but they all make you turn within and search yourself for the grit to get through anything life dishes out.
Developing/Transforming Force: Eight of Hearts

For a Seven of Clubs Birth Card, what is transformed is your ability to love yourself and how you do not need appreciation or love in the outside world, you provide it all from within. Throughout life you can develop relationships with people who do not appreciate you and through this you learn to provide that for yourself, thereby attracting those who will ultimately reflect your self-love. This is a lesson the Seven of Clubs Birth Card must learn, to love themselves. Until they do, relationships may be disappointing.
Destructive Force: Six of Clubs

You will make great internal shifts through the agency of your very satisfying and fulfilling career, or through your knowledge you possess or through your wonderful network of social contacts. Your career, your knowledge works efficiently and easily and through this you will realize what you need to let go of, whether it be a situation, habit, person or limiting thought patterns. You will realize what is no longer working in our life and get rid of it or because of your work, knowledge or hobbies, something in your life will leave. Those things that are finished are things that are limiting and detrimental to your evolution.