Queen of Spades Birth Card

Birth Card
Queen of Spades
You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Queen of Spades: 2 January
For the Queen of Spades Birth Card, it is Time to make the most of your physical strength, health and psychological well-being. It is time to get the most physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong you can possibly be. The Queen always makes the most progress of the Suit. In the case of Spades, the progress has to do with the Self, rather than emotional connections (Hearts), work and career (Clubs), or material resources (Diamonds). The happiness of the Queen of Spades depends upon how much they grow, how much they meet the challenge of getting healthier and more contented. You are more mature for your years because of your emotional centering. You can take a lot of turmoil in your life, learn from it and emerge much stronger and wiser. The Queen of Spades is very ambitious, the ambition coming from the need to prove something to yourself rather than the need for outside fame or resources. This is the most self-controlled card in the deck. You can begin a regimen to get healthier, stronger, both physically and mentally, and become a great athlete or spiritual teacher or motivator. The Queens always have the power, with regard to their Suit, to take something that is solid and stable and transform it into something that is elite and high value, something that everyone wants.

The “Path You Are Walking” Card: Eight of Hearts
The Queen of Spades Birth Card is walking the Path of Self-Love and attracting experiences and people into your life that reflect how you feel about yourself. You will meet with experiences that will cause you to develop more self-love or lose self-love, depending on your general attitude and approach to yourself. The Eight of Hearts is an emotionally detached card because it looks for connectedness to the Self and all of creation rather than certain ego attachments. That is what an evolved Eight of Hearts does. Situations in your life will cause you to become more emotionally-centered and detached. You attract people who reflect your own self-love.

Initiating Force: Six of Clubs
The Queen of Spades Birth Card is here to discover what you really want to do because this is how you really want to spend your time, in activities, in work that is naturally you and help you to express your individuality. Find the activities that inspire you, the careers, work, studies, hobbies, social contacts that are fulfilling. To be completely content, we need to do everything that is naturally us. When you do find what is naturally inspiring, you will do it at a high level. The Sixes are most efficient in their suit and the Six of Clubs is the most efficient in finding worthwhile work to do, the most efficient in its energy use. The work you do is uniquely you and you have a natural ability to get recognition and respect for your individuality expressed through work.

Developing/Transforming Force: Six of Spades
You are here to discover your potential for the highest level of physical, spiritual and psychological health. You are developing a powerful emotional center and a healthy body. The Sixes are the most efficient and Spades have to do with the body and mind. The Spades are a Suit of the Self, rather than activity, relationships or things. The Six of Spades is the most efficient in developing/transforming the Self, through getting stronger, healthier, and happier. You are also developing the ability to envision who you want to become and then improving on the qualities that will allow you to become that person you want to be.

Destructive Force: Queen of Hearts
Long-term connections will make a big shift in your consciousness. These connections can be to people, places, animals or a spiritual path/deity. Those emotional or spiritual connections you are committed to, those things you don’t want to let go of, connections you are improving upon and fighting for, these things will cause limiting situations and people to leave your life. You will also be transformed through the long-term emotional and spiritual connections.