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Video-Recorded Past Life Astrology Reading


Please allow 7 business days from the time of your order to receive your video. You will receive a password protected link from Vimeo or link from Dropbox where you can download your video. All transactions are strictly confidential.


I use the Tropical Zodiac for all readings except for those involving Nakshatras. This is a 45 minute, Video-Recorded Past Life Astrology Reading. The reading is video recorded and is not live where we are speaking face to face. This reading concentrates mainly on the major events in the past incarnation most affecting the present life. I also analyze the past life relationships between two people and through this, give insight into their present situation. The Past Life Astrology Reading will show what habits and debilitating behaviors stem from past karmas and how to balance and heal these deeply embedded sanskaras. It also reveals the ancestral karmas and what the ancestors, through ancestral DNA, want and hope for us to develop and what they have already perfected and completed in our bloodline. I use the D12 (Dwadasamsa) and D60 (Shastiamsa) charts extensively in this reading which are very time sensitive divisional charts, so a highly accurate birth time is essential. Rahu and Ketu (the Moon’s Nodes) are analyzed extensively as Ketu (the South Node) shows the past or the overly-developed characteristics and talents the person tends to overemphasize and rely upon in this life.

Please ask up to 5 questions in the message field and also let me know how well-versed you are in astrology, if you are a novice, professional or somewhere between. This will give me insight into how technical I can get in my explanations.

Please allow 7 business days from the time of your order to receive your video-recorded past life astrology reading. You will receive a password protected link from Vimeo or link from Dropbox where you can download your video. All transactions are strictly confidential.

ALL SALES ARE FINAL. There are no refunds.