Astrology Courses
Two Astrology Courses currently available
More astrology courses are forthcoming as I am currently working on transit, eclipse and lunation astrology courses.
Solar Return – Varshaphal & Tajika Astrology
This course extensively covers the astrological techniques of the Solar Return, also called Varshaphal or Tajika, propounded by Neelakantha. This is the precursor to Greek and Roman Astrology and makes use of planetary yogas and sahams (Arabic Parts). It utilizes Western Astrological concepts such as approaching and separating yogas. A particular planet is assigned the designation of Year Lord each year and the “Muntha” or progressed Ascendant moves one Sign a year and is highly relevant in the Solar Return Chart and the Birth Chart.
Predicting Relationships & Marriage with Jaimini Astrology & Transits
This is an advanced course where the student learns how to utilize Jaimini Karakas and Jaimini Rasi Dasas in addition to transits to predict relationships & marriage which are generally the most asked about topics in astrology readings. The Jaimini system of astrology is becoming more popular and their is an intense desire to learn prediction with this system which is simple yet profound. Jaimini Astrology also utilizes a unique system of transits based on Rasi (Sign) aspects and the concept of Broad Activation by transit which is done through Jupiter, Mercury and the Lord of a Sign.
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