Nine of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Nine of Hearts: 30 August, 28 September, 26 October, 24 November, 22 December
It is Time to develop and realize Divine Love for the Nine of Hearts Birth Card. All Nines are the end of a cycle of their respective Suit. And Nines are the Divine connection to their Suit. With the Nine of Hearts, you are discovering the Divine Friend in all emotional connections to life. You have a special connection to yourself that allows you to have a special connection to others. Everything living deserves your care and attention. You see the uniqueness in every emotional connection and the uniqueness in the way each individual connects to life. These are the goals of the Nine of Hearts, you do not automatically have this but it is the goal in this incarnation. Most people do not reach the promise of the Nine of Hearts. In those who do not desire to become self-aware, the Nine of Hearts can give a lot of disappointments with emotional connections to others because you are searching for a divine emotional connection but looking for it in ego consciousness. This can be frustrating. But as soon as you realize that every connection is unique and special, even in its imperfection, lacks and insecurities, then you will come to see every connection as the Divine Friend. Sometimes you will put all your emotional attention onto one emotional connection, putting all your eggs in one basket. If you remember that you can love without expecting anything in return, then you have reached one of the promises of the Nine of Hearts Birth Card.
Path Card: Four of Hearts

The Nine of Hearts Birth Card walks a path of stability in relationships and emotional connections. You experience a slow, gradual increase in your well-wishers and supporters. This is also a Card of Art and Music, so if you are an artist, you can build a solid foundation of people connecting with your Art. You meet with experiences that will provide the necessary connections to build a solid foundation of supporters.
Initiating Force: Four of Diamonds

For the Nine of Hearts Birth Card, new, fresh experiences of creating wealth and value come from the consistent, stable things in your life. It is the long-term, stable foundation of a home or career or valuable skill that will bring in more ever-new ways to increase your self-worth and your material and financial value.
Developing/Transforming Force: Two of Spades

You have a certain comfort with your physical, psychological and spiritual health but you work on it and progress to an even more healthy human being, someone who does not let the ups and downs of life affect you. You can also take remedies, whether physical, emotional or psychological and make them even better. The Two of Spades denotes ‘cures’ and ‘remedies’. In the Transforming (Queen) Card, they are improved upon and perfected.
Destructive Force: Eight of Hearts

Through loving yourself and having a caring attitude about yourself, you will get rid of the parts of yourself you do not like or the outward people, things or situations that are holding you back and limiting your perspectives. Through emotional detachment to outward forms, you will see what is holding you back from being the best version of yourself you can be. The 8 of Hearts Card is about self-love and discovering new aspects of yourself to love and cherish. Through this inward actions, outward forms that are no longer serving you fall away.