Nine of Diamonds Birth Card

You can now purchase an 43 minute-long video of a comprehensive overview of the Nine of Diamonds Birth Spread including the meaning of all 13 cards within the Spread.
You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Nine of Diamonds: 18 January, 16 February, 14 March, 12 April, 10 May, 8 June, 6 July, 4 August, 2 September
For the Nine of Diamonds Birth Card, it is time to attract what you really want. You have the attractive ability but it takes time with 9s because they are the last card of a cycle, they are the end and symbolize a divine connection. This is a powerful manifesting card and once you have developed self-worth, you will attract most of what you want. Astrology and psychic intuitiveness are strong in the 9 of Diamonds person because they can see deep into the reality of situations. The Red Nines correspond to the Fool in the Major Arcana in the Tarot, meaning they have a certain childlike wonder and make the best of situations. The 9 of Diamonds is a strong card of charity as you have an easy time of giving up things, seeing material possessions and money as something that flows through you. There can be some difficulty in dealing with people because this card is so intuitive, you do not know how to explain how you know what you know, so you can create prejudices to explain why you know what you know. You can cling to likes and dislikes passionately.
Path Card: 6 of Spades

The Nine of Diamonds Birth Card is walking the path of reaching the best physical and psychological health, a path of envisioning the type of person you want to be and getting rid of all the habits and thought patterns that prevent you from becoming this person. You meet with situations in the outside world that will help you to heal, physically, emotionally and psychologically. You are walking a path of giving up unhealthy patterns. You will encounter situations that will force your to find your own answers, to find your own way and you will not have support but this makes you much stronger and develops the ability to rely on yourself. Many situations in the outside world will cause you to introspect quite often. Spades are cards of the Self, being alone and introversion. Society will validate you because of your superior health and inner strength.
Initiating Force: Queen of Hearts

The force that is ever-new, that freely flows through the Nine of Diamonds Birth Card is that of developing relationships and connections with life, not just people, but also animals, the land, God or anything that makes you feel love in your heart. These connections are natural to you and you can make them in a variety of ways. Developing connections into something greater and more beneficial to you. Your natural way of being is to find stability with emotional connections. Find something that you love, that fills your heart with joy, and work it into the best possible thing it can be. You will be the ideal person of the Heart Suit. You have a natural ability to take a connection and work it into a relationship that will be of high value and that you will benefit from quite intensely.
Developing/Transforming Force: Ten of Clubs

Throughout life you will have opportunity upon opportunity to build your career, to build your knowledge and to build your social contacts and communications. A lot of your life will revolve around your career, building it, changing it, learning all the types of knowledge you want to know. Take your work energy and do what is most productive for you. The Club Suit is your work energy and you figure out how to do that in the most efficient way. Clubs can get stuck when they begin to believe in ‘right ways’ blindly. For Clubs to be successful, they must have confidence. You know you can do something better and you do it by trying new things. Once you find the best way something works, you improve upon it and especially in regards to your ideas and career.
Destructive Force: 8 of Diamonds

When everything lines up and comes together to get what you want, this will facilitate the letting go of limiting habits, thought patterns, people and/or situations in your life. Focusing on what is worthwhile to you will fundamentally change you. You will understand that to acquire anything in life you must pay a price. This knowledge will help you let go of limiting concepts about yourself and the world. An external experience of getting what you want or having incredible luck with something will trigger an inner shift in your consciousness and usually this will shed some inner demons you had been holding onto. Because the 8 of Diamonds is such a good card, the ‘letting go’ in your life, of whatever it is that needs to be let go of, this will not be as painful as some of the other cards in this position. But the shedding in your life will always happen through acquiring something that you really want and when events and opportunities seem to be lining up nicely.