Nine of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Nine of Clubs: 31 January, 29 February, 27 March, 25 April, 23 May, 21 June, 19 July, 17 August, 15 September, 13 October, 11 November, 9 December
It is Time to be Divine Knowledge. Nine of Clubs Birth Card makes long-term business deals, develops knowledge for a new theory and makes connections to the Divine through knowledge you have acquired. It is a card of realizing that all work is worth doing, it does not matter if it is this career in finance or that job as a janitor, all work is a means to connect with divine nature of activity. You have great intellectual potential, not just to know facts, but to develop divine understanding from those facts and put together a theory or worldview that also involves wisdom. Nines complete cycles, so you are completing a cycle of worthwhile work, of learning and completing a cycle of social contacts. You can see how knowledge fits into a Divine plan. You are adept at making long-term business deals. Philosophy is a discipline that you can easily understand. You enjoy being alone and learning all types of disciplines. The black Nines correspond to the Hermit Card in the Tarot, so they enjoy having their own company to digest knowledge. You can reach a very elite place in your career. It is Time to take Knowledge to the next level.
Path Card: Six of Diamonds

The Nine of Clubs Birth Card is walking a path of getting respect and recognition. They will meet with experiences that give them the best the world has to offer. You are on a road where your skills and material resources are working for you. You have a knack with your skills and finances that will unfold beautifully. You are on a road of increasing your wealth, respect and self-worth. You will meet with experiences that will make life worthwhile.
Initiating Force: Four of Spades

New, fresh experiences of getting physically, emotionally and spiritually healthier will come from the stable things in your life. It is the long-term, stable parts of your life that will bring in more ever-new ways to increase your physical vitality, your emotional strength and your spiritual connection with yourself.
Developing/Transforming Force: Ten of Hearts

You are developing and transforming a constancy of connections. You have potential to connect to nature, music, art, animals, people and spirituality. Spades connect to God because they connect to themselves, Hearts connect to God because they connect emotionally. You have the energy to connect to people but it does not mean you will connect to people or things that will help you. When the connective energy has not been worked through and improved upon, then the people you connect to and the experiences you have can be crazy and chaotic. You have a degree of self-love and you will connect to people who respect that degree of self-love. If you have a low degree of self-love you will connect to those who will not respect you. Through your emotional connections, it is important to develop your own self-love more than anything else, this will bring joy and happiness.
Destructive Force: Ten of Diamonds

For a Nine of Clubs Birth Card, when you acquire something you want, you enter into a self-appraisal, letting go of parts of yourself that are detrimental to your evolution. Through financial resources and valuable skills, you will make internal shifts in your psyche that shed limiting perspectives and bad habits. Once you get an element of status, some people and situations will disappear from your life because they are not moving you forward. Sometimes you will cling to situations or people out of habit or fear, but they will disappear whether you want to let go or not.