King of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for King of Spades: 1 January
For the King of Spades Birth Card, it is Time to understand the limits of physical health and reach the most elite level you can in regards to physical health and psychological well-being by what is available to you. It is time to take the inner journey to understand your own psychology and what limiting psychological hang-ups are holding you back. Once you realize these, you will be able to detach from outer circumstances and reach a very high spiritual level of acceptance of all life and phenomena. This is a very esoteric and metaphysical card, it allows for peace, contentment and understanding no matter what the circumstances. It is also a card of physical limitations and getting clear and strong with your psychology. The King of Spades indicates long-term change, constant change over the course of your life. A lot of expectations will be shattered but will lead to long-term transformation that will lead to shedding parts of yourself that are no longer genuine. The King of Spades is like the erupting of a volcano, to burn what is no longer necessary, to burn away limitations. King of Spades is a card akin to the Hermit in the Tarot. In the outer world, the King of Spades will implement change whether they are famous or not. The King of Spades, more than any other card in the deck, is able to make a divine connection to their Higher Self. They work best in isolation and through this isolation are able to see the divine work they must perform.
Path Card: Five of Spades

The King of Spades Birth Card is walking a path of getting themselves into difficult situations and having to fight to get out of them. The Five of Spades is a super intense card. The person will meet with experiences that are designed to make the person progress with their health and improve upon their psychological and physical well-being. The 5 of Spades will require the King of Spades Birth Card to make many important decisions in their life, nearly life or death decisions. This Card can cause many moves throughout life, often moves to foreign countries. The King of Spades is walking the path of solving problems, and progressing in health and emotional toughness. Because this is such an intense path Card, the King of Spades usually changes the world in some fashion or at the very least, significantly changes their world and the people in it.
Initiating Force: Jack of Hearts

A powerful position because the initiating force is the force of the Jack. What flows through you is your ability to make emotional connections with people in a variety of ways. You are constantly manifesting as a loving being, a being that can make an emotional connection with most people, animals or spiritual paths. Making emotional connections is always new and exciting, a realm of life where you are ever-changing and ever-new, it’s a part of your life that will enhance your uniqueness. You are here to explore love in all forms.
Developing/Transforming Force: Nine of Clubs

You are here to develop and transform your work energy, develop your knowledge and go deep with your social contacts. You are specially designed to take your work energy and transform it into a positive force that enhances your life. A Club as the Developing Force is to transmute all work and knowledge that is not giving you inspiration, to transmute them into a force where your career is meaningful, where you can make a divine connection between your acquired knowledge and spirituality. You have an enormous potential with your work energy, you can reach all the way to the God and use this for the greater good. What helps you get to a deeper connection to Life is a deeper connection to knowledge and how you operate in the world which is usually indicated by your chosen career.
Destructive Force: Nine of Spades

It is time to have a deep experience of something that helps you let go of some false notion of yourself. A deep experience of God is sweet, the 9s are very sweet on the Destructive Force Card. Through making a deep connection to your higher Self, by becoming the most healthy and mentally strong you can be, you will let go of limited perspectives. Some people and situations in your life will be discarded or destroyed after greater self-awareness and going deep within, even becoming a hermit. How this could play out in the real world, is that you take a retreat from mundane concerns, withdraw yourself from social activity and when you re-emerge, you will find a lot of unnecessary attitudes, people and situations have left you.