King of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for King of Hearts: 30 June, 28 July, 26 August, 24 September, 22 October, 20 November, 18 December
For the King of Hearts Birth Card, it is Time to sacrifice for those you love and to place limits on who you choose to make connections with. This includes all emotional connections, not just romantic or spousal. It includes those familial relationships and friendships. For those whom you find worth sacrificing for, who you believe have a special emotional connection with you, those are the people who you will protect and to whom you will give emotional support. In regards to art, music, storytelling, you will specialize in certain areas of expressing yourself through these vehicles. You are here to make the most of the emotional connections available to you, not by changing them or searching for others, but making the most of what occupies your life. Get the most out of friends, family, lovers, pets and artistic inspiration that is available to you. Kings always recognize their kingdom, they know the limits and borders of their kingdom. With the King of Hearts, you learn to make the most of your relationships rather than seeking out others. You were born with your own emotional kingdom. If your relationships or artistic expression feels out of control, then you need to go within, do some soul searching to understand the relationship with yourself and how you need to love yourself more. If you cannot find meaningful emotional connections or expression by what is already available to you, then it is due to your ego wanting validation. If you are artistically inclined, you can reach a very elite level of this expression when you discover what inspires and you and feeds your uniqueness.
Path Card: Ten of Diamonds

This is a powerful position for the King of Hearts Birth Card because all Tens are “Path” cards and for the King of Hearts Birth Card, the 10th Card (Path Card) is a Ten. You are walking the path of abundance and prosperity in all forms. You will encounter many different opportunities to acquire what you want in life, most of them will be the financial variety, but also opportunities to grow valuable skills, spiritual realizations (if that is something very important to you). Diamonds are what everyone wants. When you have a 10 of Diamonds on the Path Card, you are walking a path of getting what you want and developing your self-worth. If you are spiritually inclined, spiritual realizations will be what you want, and they will be very concrete. If it is health and beauty that you want or fame, you will acquire those in a myriad of ways. If it is financial resources or valuable skills, you will acquire these things and make them better, make them progress. And then you will have generosity, if you do this card right and have self-worth. You will understand that resources flow through you.
Initiating Force: Eight of Spades

This position puts the energy of the Jack into the realm of self-discovery. It gives you the resolve to be happy in ever-new ways even though you will realize there are limitations to physical and emotional health. You will renew yourself constantly by going within and facing what is making you feel stuck, whether physically emotionally or spiritually. You will discover many ways of doing this and your specialness will blossom from the ability to soul-search.
Developing/Transforming Force: Ace of Hearts

You have the energy to connect with people but it does not mean you will connect to people or things that are beneficial to you. When your emotionally connective energy has not been evolved or improved upon, you can connect to some of the craziest experiences. You have a degree of self-love and will attract those people into your life who will respect that degree of self-love. If you want to attract more beneficial people, it is important to develop more self-love. You are also transforming the new connections that you make. You will have a knack of taking the new connections in your life and making them work for you. “Wow! This has potential, let me work with this.” You will always see the potential in new relationships, whether with people, animals, or spirituality.
Destructive Force: Ace of Diamonds

You will acquire something you want and then it is time for an entirely new appraisal of yourself. The new thing you acquire will force limiting perspective, people and situations out of your life. Usually this new thing is often a financial or material resource, or a new valuable skill or a new spiritual experience. But always, the new thing is something you wanted. You will experience yourself in a new way.