King of Diamonds Birth Card

You can now purchase an hour-long video of a comprehensive overview of the King of Diamonds Birth Spread including the meaning of all 13 cards within the Spread.
Dates for King of Diamonds – You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
14 January, 12 February, 10 March, 8 April, 6 May, 4 June, 2 July.
The King of Diamonds Birth Card is the person everyone wants, the highly specialized expert, the person who sacrifices their material resources and skills for the betterment of others. At just the right time, opportunities will line up for success very quickly. These opportunities come as far as the King of Diamonds person has a healthy sense of self-worth. The King of Diamonds in designed to learn to specialize in a field where they can hone one particular skill so well, they will be known as the expert in it. They will attract and abundance of opportunities and what they wish for will come to them as long as they harbor a feeling of self-worth. Certain skills they may be interested in developing must be sacrificed for them to move forward in life. If they are still interested in doing many different things, then they are not living up to the promise of their Birth Card.
Path Card: Eight of Spades

The King of Diamonds Birth Card encounters experiences that will make them feel stuck, like they are very limited in what they can do, so they need to go within themselves and work out their psychological issues and traumas. The 8 of Spades can give health problems that make the person feel limited or emotional issues that hold them back from reaching their potential, however once the person makes themselves healthier and heals themselves by looking within, they are able to move forward and their physical and psychological strength will reflect their attitude about themselves and the relationship they have with themselves. The 8 is always where you must find something new about yourself. You will meet with situations that will force you to develop self-awareness.
Initiating Force: Ace of Hearts

Aces do very well in this position because it is the “Jack Card” and Jacks incorporate the Ace, 2 and 3 but mostly the Aces because Aces are the beginning. The things that flow through the King of Diamonds Birth Card will be brand new, not only for you but also for the world at large. What flows through you is making connections with life through love, friendship, art, music and writing. Anything that flows from the heart. There is a constancy of discovering new emotions withing yourself, new ways you can be in relationships with people, pets, all of life. You are really exploring yourself and those who you make connections with. It also signifies a connection with a higher power, a connection to the spiritual and emotional side of life. If you more spiritually inclined, then the connection to all of Life flows through you in ever-new ways. You are also here to experience love more as yourself, to be loved for who you are more, to love others for what they are more. We can only love in the way that we are. Everyone has a way they can love as themselves and a way they cannot love as themselves.
Developing/Transforming Force: Ace of Diamonds

Aces always give you something you never thought of, “Wow! This has potential, let me work with this.” It is so fresh that all you can see is the potential. The Queen Card with an Ace shows you can always see potential in new things. In the case of Ace of Diamonds, you see potential in new skills that are valuable and financial and material resources. The Diamond represents anything of value that is new, that you can develop into something that will add value to your life. What that thing is, is very personal to you, because only you can see what is personally valuable to you. This position represents fresh potential, a new beginning or take something that has value, work with it and build it into something more valuable than it originally was. For the Two of Spades Birth Card, you are traveling a path of being busy, a path of managing a lot of work and making the most of your career. You are here to do something BIG. You will meet with opportunities to reach the highest success in your career and in your knowledge. The Queen of Clubs is the busiest card so you will not shy away from work. She is also the most intellectual and you will have many opportunities to gain more knowledge then work with it and improve upon it. You are traveling a path of a lifetime of activity.
Destructive Force: Queen of Diamonds

Long-term goals that you set for yourself will shift your consciousness through forcing you to let go of limiting ideas, concepts, people and situations. Those things of value that you possess, like certain skills, knowledge, or financial resources that you have a long-term commitment to, that you put a lot of energy into, will ultimately change you by forcing you to let go of certain things either within yourself or the outside world. When you receive something you have been wishing for, this thing you receive will also facilitate a destruction of something else in your life that is no longer serving you.