King of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for King of Clubs: 27 January, 25 February, 23 March, 21 April, 19 May, 17 June, 15 July, 13 August, 11 September, 9 October, 7 November, 5 December.
For the King of Clubs Birth Card, it is Time to specialize in work and career. A King is always a specialist in something. He does not use all resources, only those that will further his specialized focus. King of Clubs indicates that the person must find work or career for which they are willing to sacrifice. The King of Clubs is designed to get the most out of what is available to them in regards to career, knowledge and social standing. You are learning to make the most of your work and knowledge. If the career or work situation seems out of control, you need to look within yourself and do some soul-searching with regard to these things, because that is where the answer lies. The King of Clubs puts healthy restrictions on what they can do in their career and what knowledge they want to acquire and through this action, they reach a very elite level in their work and knowledge. It is a big responsibility to be a King because you must reign in your desires and do what is for the benefit of those you are responsible for and in some cases, for the greater world. If the King of Clubs cannot find meaningful work or you work never fits your individuality and you are habitually dissatisfied, it is due to your ego wanting validation through your work.
Path Card: Eight of Diamonds

The King of Hearts Birth Card will meet with experiences that give them material resources and skills based on how much they value themselves. All Eights are the inner reflecting the Outer. To the degree the King of Clubs values their worth, that will be reflected in the financial and career opportunities in the outside world. This is a Path of building resources, status and respect. It is a Path of acquiring what you really want. You are on a road of rapid growth but at time you will feel stuck and feel like you cannot move forward with financially, materially or with what you really desire. When the King of Clubs feels stuck, it is time to evaluate where you feel a lack of self-worth, where you feel you are not worthy to receive whatever it is you desire. When you make this internal shift, circumstances will line up for you. Most of this card is recognizing your own value and situations in the outside world will force you to do this.
Initiating Force: King of Spades

The initiating force of the King of Clubs Birth Card is one of deep self-awareness, of realizing one’s mental and physical limitations, taking the inner journey to discover the limitations and then breaking free from those physical and mental limitations. Whether by lowering one’s expectations or building up the internal and external strength. The initiating force is one of constant self-transformation. The King of Clubs Birth Card is constantly re-evaluating themselves and becoming emotionally, spiritually and mentally stronger. They have the ability to transform their health through their attitudes and commitment to self-improvement. The uniqueness of the King of Clubs comes from their ability to self-transform and to become healthier, this is what is natural to them, what develops their individuality. They can be in situations where they are mentally or physically stuck, or where they have no control and these conditions allow them to thrive whereas someone else would give in to despair, the King of Clubs can discover fresh inspiration. Due to these unique abilities, the King of Clubs Birth Card often becomes a positive inspiration for anyone experiencing difficult circumstances in their life.
Developing/Transforming Force: Three of Hearts

The King of Clubs Birth Card spends a lot of their life making emotional connections that are not good enough or are naturally faulty, but they have a natural ability to turn them into something that works and can benefit them. In the present state, the connection may not work completely for them, but when they work on it, it can blossom into something spectacular. There is a lot of growth in the person’s relationships through experimentation. The developing/transforming force is where a person spends a majority of their life and the King of Clubs has the power to take the faultiness and quirks of all kinds of emotional relationships and become wiser about them, and in this wisdom transform these connections to make them better. The person will also develop a healthy curiosity about others and their emotional connections, what makes others tick emotionally, what makes others attracted to certain people and things. It is akin to a study of all types of relationships and experimenting with them.
Destructive Force: Ace of Clubs

Through new social contacts, through new work, through gaining new knowledge, the King of Clubs Birth Card will transform themselves by letting go of what is no longer necessary in their lives. This is the Card by which the King of Clubs will get rid of limiting aspects of their life. A new job may force them to let go of a harmful situation or person. New knowledge will release them from limited perspectives. New social contacts will also facilitate a change where they let go of certain aspects of their life, whether they thought they were harmful or not. Every life has a specialized plan for honing the individual into a better person, a stronger person, a more organic human designed for realization. Through the advent of new ideas, new work, new communications, the King of Clubs lets go of all the extra baggage that holds them back from becoming the best they can be.