Jack of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Jack of Spades: 3 January, 1 February
For the Jack of Spades Birth Card, it is time to bring out something new in regards to physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health. Spades are all about the Self and concentrating on the Self rather than emotional connections (Hearts), Career & Work (Clubs) and Financial Resources (Diamonds). That is not to say that a Spade Birth Card does not concentrate on these things in their life, but that the Spade Birth Card’s primary focus should be on becoming healthier and stronger in every aspect of the Self. The Jack of Spades Birth Card is a constant stream of self-discovery. It is an individualized lifetime for new ways of becoming self-aware to emerge out of you. The Jack incorporates the Ace of Spades which is the beginning of life and the beginning of solving problems, he incorporates the Two of Spades, which signifies finding the solution, especially a cure for what physically or mentally is causing problems, and he incorporates the Three of Spades, an extraordinary effort to feel secure in health, physical and emotional well-being, a state of discovering what is necessary to be secure in life. You may be a maverick in finding new and innovative health cures, or new and innovative psychological techniques for letting go of traumas and becoming more contented.
Path Card: Five of Hearts

The Jack of Spades Birth Card walks a path of improving upon emotional connections. Emotionally damaged connections will enter your life and you have a knack of making progress with them and getting a better feeling from them. You will find something that does not quite fit, that is not quite right about your spiritual path or the people who you are close to and you will be able to make them better. You are walking a road of improvement. The Five of Hearts says, “You must work on your relationships and put full effort into them or there will be repercussions.”
Initiating Force: Three of Clubs

The Force that makes you uniquely you is one of work, career and knowledge. These things are ever-new and always fresh. You are full of new ideas, they come naturally to you. Discover the activities you really want to do in life, the work that is inspiring to you and do them. To be content, we must do the work that fits with who we are as an individual. You will find your uniqueness and individuality by discovering who you are not, by experimenting and testing ideas, knowledge and careers. When you are in a situation where you say, “Wow, that doesn’t really work for me!”, that is when you have revelations about who you really are.
Developing/Transforming Force: Three of Spades

You are here to discover your potential, not in what you are doing or your connectedness to others, but in your ability to be healthy, physically, mentally and spiritually. Something about your physical health or your psychology will make you tell yourself, “This is not good enough, this won’t work.” Not in its present state, but this position of the Three of Spades can take whatever faulty thing there is and make it into something that works very well. “I will take something about my physical condition, my health, my mental patterns and habits that I don’t like and work the potential, work out the quirks, and transform it into something that benefits me a great deal.” Whatever is faulty about you, you find it interesting and unique and you will improve upon what makes it interesting to you.
Destructive Force: Nine of Hearts

Incredibly deep experience of love will allow you to let go of what is no longer working in your life, to let go of some false notions about yourself and the world. A deep experience of the Source or God is sweet and having a Nine of Hearts is sweet here on the King or destructive card. There is a war going on within us and the Destructive Force is here to finish the war in our favor. Connecting to all sentient life, to the oneness of creation, to Divine Love will facilitate inner shifts and sometimes outer shifts where people or situations disappear from your life. Because the Nine of Hearts is such a beneficial, spiritual Card, usually the letting go is welcomed and even sometimes, embraced.