Jack of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Jack of Hearts: 30 July, 28 August, 26 September, 24 October, 22 November, 20 December
For Jack of Hearts Birth Card, it is time to begin new emotional connections with people, pets, places and spirituality. It is time to experience the emotional thrill of love and connectedness. It is time to create beautiful art and performance art if you are so inclined or have the desire. It is important to feel a connections to people, family, pets or God and bring out something unique and new in those relationships. Jack of Hearts Birth Card is the Golden Child, the child everyone adores. He incorporates the Ace of Hearts which is the ability to make new connections, the Two of Hearts, the ability to attract what you want and need in relationships and the Three of Hearts, the ability to have many different things to love whether they be hobbies, people, animals or spirituality. It also denotes the ability to experiment with these new loves, to find what is wrong with them and love them for all their quirks.
Path Card: Eight of Clubs

The Jack of Hearts Birth Card walks of path of extreme activity and work. The work you attract mirrors the ideas you hold true. It is a road of rapid growth in the form of knowledge and everything moving very quickly in regards to career. Journeys to find yourself or get more in touch with yourself will happen during your lifetime. The path is one of high activity and discovering meaningful work that will fulfill you. This is a path of success, a path to social heights. You will also encounter many groups to work with, groups in which there is no fixed leader.
Initiating Force: Six of Diamonds

What flows through the Jack of Hearts Birth Card is the ability to feel content and fulfilled with your position in life, with your financial and material possessions and with your valuable skills. You realize, “I really get this!” You have a natural knack, a natural skill of something valuable, something everyone wants and that everyone recognizes you can do to the most efficient degree. You have something very valuable that you can do to a high level and it is always changing and adapting, it is ever-new and fresh. What talents and gifts you have is what makes you special and they are always exciting for you to discover like a child discovering new friends and a new, untamed place to play. The Six is the most efficient, the best anything can get in the mundane world and to have it as the initiating force means that you have something incredibly special to offer that never gets old and you never get bored with it because it constantly changes its facets.
Developing/Transforming Force: Four of Spades

There is no risk of loss to good physical and psychological health with the Four of Spades in this position. The Jack of Hearts Birth Card has a solid foundation of strength emotionally, mentally and physically and they can take this much further by working on it, by progressing with their happiness and contentment. You are here to discover all your potential for spiritual awareness by a strong connection to your Higher Self. The Spades are about the Self and when they fall in this position, you will improve upon that connection and transform your negative energy into a more beneficial attitude and view of yourself. This is the ultimate promise of the Four of Spades here. You can also transform your physicality by taking a weak, unhealthy body and becoming the epitome of health.
Destructive Force: Ten of Hearts

You will have an array of experiences in your emotional connections to people, places, pets and spiritual paths. An array of connections will facilitate an inner shift and allow you to shed any limiting and false notions about yourself and the world. The Ten of Hearts encompasses multiple dimensions of the Heart Suit and in this position, it destroys and eliminates things in your life that are no longer necessary and are disrupting your evolution as a human being. The Hearts have to do with everything we love connecting to, including music and art. These connections you make force an internal shift in your worldview and as a consequence this shift will rid you of what is holding you back in all walks of life.