Jack of Diamonds Birth Card

You can now purchase a 40-minute video of a comprehensive overview of the Jack of Diamonds Birth Spread including the meaning of all 13 cards within the Spread.
Dates for Jack of Diamonds: 16 January, 14 February, 12 March, 10 April, 8 May, 6 June, 4 July, 2 August. You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
An immature Birth Card but not in a bad way, this Birth Card indicates someone who enjoys having fun. Everything is already created from the other Suits, so when the Diamonds come along which is the last Suit, this Jack does not have a lot of work to do, he can sit back and play with the toys that were already made for him. Indicates a person desiring to earn well. Usually, they are never happy with the money they are making. You were a special kid, a progeny, the kid everyone wants to have around. Most of the time the Jack of Diamonds gives a great impression. You are energetic and enthusiastic. A common saying for this Birth Card is, “Let’s experiment with something”. These people make great scientists and inventors. You go through many new experiences to discover what you want in life. You are also a good salesman and can make anything seem like it is top quality and high-value. A Jack of Diamonds Birth Card meets with a lot of new opportunities and attracts opportunities into their life. At some point in your life you will probably be an apprentice, a person that is learning a valuable skill, and loves taking financial risks. It is a Birth Card of speedy growth and makes situations manifest quickly. The Jack of Diamonds is the golden child and can always remain youthful and exuberant. If the Jack of Diamonds is not afflicted, people really enjoy being in their presence.
Path Card: King of Spades

The Jack of Diamonds will meet with circumstances that change them a great deal, either psychologically, physically or both. Addictions to anything will reveal to you what is internally wrong with you. Sometimes you will meet with severe limitations either physically or psychologically that will force you to become more self-aware, that will force you to search deep within. The King of Spades as a “Path” card gives experiences that will balance out the happy-go-lucky and carefree nature of the Jack of Diamonds Birth Card. The King of Spades is a force that ends situations in our life , so the Jack of Diamonds Birth Card will meet will experiences that they must finish and end once and for all. Any Face Card in this position is a powerful card. Certain circumstances will force you to make sacrifices for your health and psychological well-being. If you do not make these changes, you can face some serious repercussions. In making these sacrifices, you will have greater fulfillment. and consistently develop self-awareness.
Initiating Force: Three of Hearts

This is a highly energized “Jack” Card. You will find your uniqueness and individuality by discovering what you are not. You will try many things that do no fit and move on to the next to discover that may or may not fit, and with the 3 of Hearts, this manifests in the realms of making connections with people, pets, spirituality, art and music. What flows through you is your willingness to experiment with emotional connections to discover what fits you perfectly as an individual. When you are in a situation where you say, “This doesn’t really work for me”, that is when you have your revelations. What is flowing through you is the desire to connect with something, but you will emotionally connect with many things like people, pets, hobbies, spirituality, etc. It does not necessarily mean that you are a ‘player’ or ‘cheater’, it simply means you have many different things to love.
Developing/Transforming Force: Ace of Clubs

You will always see the potential in new careers, new knowledge and information, new social connections and you will grow these into something that can work for you. This can make life very exciting when you see the immediate potential of something. You will transform the ability to create something out of nothing and come up with highly original ideas. This talent will get better as you grow older. This is also the #1 card for overcoming depression and stagnation so you will develop this ability and be able to help others do the same.
Destructive Force: Queen of Clubs

The force that changes you, that makes you release old, worn-out, limiting patterns and situations in your life is high intelligence, making the most of your career and growing it, learning all you can and using that knowledge to make your life better. Long-term career goals or long-term goals of education will facilitate big shifts in your consciousness. A long-term social standing you are committed to or are working on, knowledge or work you are fighting for, a career you do not want to let go of, all of these will allow you to release old patterns in your life and ultimately change you. Through the acquisition of fame or an exalted place of career and hard-work, the Jack of Diamonds Birth Card is molded into best they can possibly be.