Four of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Four of Spades: 10 January, 8 February, 6 March, 4 April, 2 May
For a Four of Spades Birth Card, it is Time to be stable in your physical, mental and emotional health. It is Time to be stable in who you are, in your own individuality and all the habits and desires that go with it. This does not mean that all of Life is stable, just the part of life pertaining to the Suit of Spades, which is your inner strength. A Four of Spades can have a crazy, roller-coaster life with other things pertaining to the other Suits, however they will always have their inner, and most times, outer strength to fall back on. You have a solid psychological foundation that you can fall back on in tough times.
Path Card: Nine of Hearts

The Four of Spades Birth Card is traveling a path of learning that every connection is special. Every emotional connection to another human being, to an animal, to nature, to a Spiritual Path. You are at the end of the Road and learning to contemplate Divine Love. You are on a path of Love because you are looking to embody Love. All connections make you realize this. You meet with opportunities to express Divine Love in creative expression like Art and Music.
Initiating Force: Seven of Clubs

The Four of Spades Birth Card realizes your uniqueness through realizing your limitations with regard to work, career and knowledge. “There is only so much one can learn.” You realize the limits of these things in ingenious ways. You will discover what you really want to do and how you want to spend your time. These things are often changing as this card position is ever-new and flowing through you like water. You want to do the careers, studies, hobbies that reflect your own unique individuality. If you are not doing this, it causes as certain amount of frustration. You will take work and knowledge to its limit and then realize the limit and move onto something else.
Developing/Transforming Force: Five of Diamonds

For a Four of Spades Birth Card, what you have to work with, what you will develop is you ability to improve upon your value, improve upon your skills, and generate more material resources in whatever it is that you find valuable. Diamonds are very personal cards because each person finds different things valuable. You have the ability to apply yourself and increase your financial resources. You have a knack for taking something of obvious value and transforming into something of returnable value. By your power to transform things into something more valuable, you usually get respect, status and resources, what you receive is obvious.
Destructive Force: Queen of Spades

Long-term goals with regard to your physical, mental and emotional health are what makes a big shift in your consciousness. What you are committed to in regard to self-improvement and inner strength, those things you are working and fighting for is what will make you let go of that which no longer servers you. Limiting ideas, people or situations will fall away when you are committed and pursue your long-term goals.