Four of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Four of Hearts: 31 October, 29 November, 27 December
For a Four of Hearts Brith Card, it is Time to be secure in your emotional connections. You will have stability within your family, among your friends and in your love life. You have well-wishers throughout life, and it is important to feel connected to people, animals, nature or God. You will naturally form connections that are secure, stable and dependable. If you are not doing this, you are not living the promise of your Birth Card. Not all of life will be secure, but the emotional connectedness will. You do not need to improve relationships, you have a quality about you that will bring about security in your emotional connections or in art and music if you pursue those things. If you find yourself trying to improve your connections or working on them, then they are probably not the right connections for you.
Path Card: Three of Hearts

For the Four of Hearts Birth Card, you are traveling a path of finding many different people and things to connect to. You are on the road of examining and experimenting with these connections. All Threes are experimenters, so you will meet with experiences that have you test the things and people to which you are emotionally connected. Because your Birth Card is the Four of Hearts, you naturally have a solid foundation of emotional security so experimenting with your connections is not some extreme risk. Throughout life you will probably develop many different types of hobbies that you enjoy. There will be different pets and different people, even different spiritual paths.
Initiating Force: Ace of Clubs

For a Four of Hearts Birth Card, what makes you unique is your creativity with your knowledge and the type of work or career you do. The career that comes through you will probably not only be new for you, but for the entire world, or at least withing your environment. There is a constancy of discovering new work you can do, new ideas about the knowledge you learn. You are a very innovative person. You are exploring ideas and careers this lifetime. This is a position of exploring. The knowledge you learn will be unique and different, and others will notice that about you.
Developing/Transforming Force: Queen of Clubs

This is a very powerful position because it is a Queen Card in the “Queen” position. You are developing your work energy. You take that energy and do what is most productive and inspiring for you. You are here to figure out how to use your energy in a better, more efficient way. You will often say to yourself, “I know I can do this better!” in regards to a job position or a career in which you are interested. If you do not have confidence that you can do something, you will not fulfill the promise of this card. For a Clubs on the Queen Card, it is important to develop confidence and then you can get almost anything done that you set your mind to.
Destructive Force: Ten of Spades

The destructive force is here to change you internally and sometimes the changes begin externally. A Ten of Spades here will give you an array of experiences with the Spade Suit and that will fundamentally change you throughout life. The Tens incorporate everything about a Suit and the Spades are about improving the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Through this improvement and also through confronting and solving problems, you will fundamentally change and let go of limiting concepts, people and situations in your life. If you do not let go, they will be removed from your life through fate. These fundamental changes can come from physical challenges, from feeling low, but you can flick a switch in your psyche, in your attitude and say, “No, not this anymore.”