Four of Diamonds Birth Card

Dates for Four of Diamonds: 23 January, 21 February, 19 March, 17 April, 15 May, 13 June, 11 July, 9 August, 7 September, 5 October, 3 November, 1 December. You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
It is time to be secure and dependable with your finances, skills or whatever it is you want to count on in your life. The 4 of Diamonds has a special talent or skill that they do not need to change or improve upon, but one day, what they have to offer will be recognized by others. The person is designed to have security in their life, not only material security, but also emotional and spiritual security. They have a dependable foundation to build upon if they desire, however, what they have is good enough and solid that they do not need to improve upon it. Usually this Birth Card will acquire land or real estate throughout their life. They will also acquire certifications because a certification is a foundation upon which to build something, the person is secure in their knowledge or skill. If the person’s life is chaotic and they never have a dependable foundation in a skill, material resources or emotional connection, then they are not living their Birth Card properly.
Path Card: Ace of Clubs

You are walking a path of activity, of getting a lot done. The Ecliptic Card is a good card that will get better as time passes. You are walking a path of new activities, new knowledge and new career opportunities. Encountering these new things as you walk down the road of life is designed to build up the Suit of Clubs, which is ideas, knowledge and work. New ideas to build up your knowledge, new work to build up your career, new communication to build up your curiosity. On this path, the 4 of Diamonds person is constantly acquiring new information and new job and business opportunities. Also, new ideas flow from within the person, the newness does not always come from the outside world.
Initiating Force: Queen of Clubs

The initiating force Card, also called the Uranus Card or the Jack Card, is the child, who is constantly changing and growing, showing us all the possibilities, the Card which never rests and is always asking, “What else is possible?”. The Queen of Clubs indicates that the 4 of Diamond person will become motivated and inspired by constant activity and nurturing their career to the most powerful it can be. It also signifies someone who is very intellectually motivated and this motivation is ever-changing and inspiring them to further career opportunities and higher learning. The intelligence of the 4 of Diamonds is what gives them their uniqueness. The person is always changing their business and growing their careers and within this process, they become more and more of who they really are.
Developing/Transforming Force: Ten of Spades

The 4 of Diamonds native is developing all aspects of their physical and psychological health. They spend a lot of their life developing these aspects of themselves. Over time, they become healthier and mentally stronger. All Spades are focused on the Self and on personal growth in all facets, so the person develops a more introverted nature. There is steady and prolonged activity in overcoming problems and getting mentally tougher or working to overcome health issues. If there are no health issues, the person will develop and maintain a healthier body and mind. The person also nurtures an interest in the mysterious, hidden or occult side of life.
Destructive Force: Five of Clubs

The 5 of Clubs is a high activity card and through this exceptionally high activity of trying to improve upon one’s career and knowledge, certain things, situations and people are destroyed or let go of in the person’s life. Through changes in their jobs, careers and social situations, many aspects of the person’s life that are no longer benefitting them will be discarded. The ‘Destructive Card” is the Card that changes the person through getting rid of what is no longer necessary in the person’s life, no longer necessary from an evolutionary standpoint. When an odd card like a 5 occupies this position, the person loses things through trying to improve, through attempting to grow. In the case of 5 of Clubs, they lose things in their life through improving upon their business, career, knowledge and social situations.
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