Four of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Four of Clubs: 30 April, 28 May, 26 June, 24 July, 22 August, 20 September, 18 October, 16 November, 14 December
For the Four of Clubs Birth Card, it is Time to be stable and secure with your work or career, with your knowledge and ways of thinking, with your hobbies. Fours are stable and dependable. They correspond to the Heirophant in the Tarot. This is the secure and dependable person that always gives the right advice, the person who intuitively knows the right thing to do. You are secure in your knowledge. It is Time to be busy, it is time to work. You must do work and hobbies that you are inspired by. The career that you do must be right for you. The social contacts and social circles you run in must reflect what your inspirations are. You have knowledge within you that will be recongnized and appreciated by others at the right time. You are a natural teacher.
Path Card: Ace of Diamonds

The Four of Clubs Birth Card is traveling a Path of new financial opportunities, a Path of learning new, valuable skills, a Path of finding value and worth in new things. You will notice that you have a lot of unique financial opportunities as you walk the path of life. You will meet with experiences that make you realize you have a solid foundation to build self-worth and acquire what you find valuable. You will receive documents that prove you have certain valuable skills like a PhD or diploma or citizenship papers from a country you desire citizenship.
Initiating Force: Queen of Diamonds

For a Four of Clubs Birth Card, your natural way of being is to find security in financial and material resources and find security in whatever you find valuable. You have a natural ability to find something valuable and the key here is something valuable to YOU. Once you find it, you can increase its value into the best thing that can work for you. You will discover the talents, the worth, the gifts you have and what makes you special. You will discover which experiences make life worth living and improve upon them. What is unique about you is what makes life worthwhile.
Developing/Transforming Force: Five of Hearts

This is a powerful placement because this is the “Queen” position and the Queen resonates most with number 5. For a Four of Clubs Birth Card, you are developing the ability to get a better feeling, to make things beautiful and appealing, to improve your relationships. You are a hard worker when it comes to developing relationships with others, to caring about others and making them feel welcomed. It is this process that gives you joy. You are constantly working on the potential of relationships of all kinds. You are good at making an inviting and comforting home.
Destructive Force: Three of Clubs

Original thinking is what will fundamentally change you. What leaves you is what helps you let go of limiting concepts and ideas and forces a shift in your consciousness. Threes are about “flying away” or moving away from what already is and Clubs are work, career and knowledge. So changes in work will enlighten you about what is truly important in life and what you need to let go of. Changes in career will force you to recognize those things that are no longer you, that no longer support who you are.
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