Five of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Five of Spades: 9 January, 7 February, 5 March, 3 April, 1 May
It is Time for a Five of Spades Birth Card to push the envelope above the normal in regards to physical, psychological and spiritual health. If the Five of Spades Birth Card has a backache, not only will you want to heal it, you will want to be able to do a back flip. Fives are all about improvement and Spades have to do with all aspects of the Self. If you are born lazy and weak, you have the natural talent to change your habit and improve upon yourself. If you are born a sad or angry person, you have the natural talent to transform that negative energy into something positive and you will try a myriad of ways to do this. Some of these methods you attempt will not work, but eventually you will find that which works and move forward. Five of Spades makes huge leaps in progress, then you are stagnant for awhile, then you make another huge leap forward.
Path Card: Jack of Spades

The Five of Spades Birth Card is traveling a path of doing whatever it takes to survive. It is a path of being under pressure, of tremendous stress. The Jack of Spades incorporates the Ace, 2, and 3 of Spades so that makes him very powerful because he is really three cards rather than just one. The Ace of Spades creates new ways of being, of getting mentally and physically healthier. The Two of Spades attracts the right remedies and physical and psychological cures. The Three of Spades strives for physical and emotional security. The Jack of Spades does all of these things, so the Five of Spades Birth Card meets with a lot of opportunities to improve their health and psychological and spiritual well-being and they do it in ever-new, ingenious ways. The person also meets with many opportunities to get physically stronger.
Initiating Force: Eight of Clubs

What makes you unique is your ability to find many different types of work and career opportunities and to interract with many different types of people within a group setting. This Card does carry limitations however in regard to how far you can go within your career or society but you learn that the limitations change you within and you become happy and satisfied with these limitations. The Eights have a unique ability to become happier and fulfilled even though nothing is changing in the outside world. Eight of Clubs is the inner journey in regard to your ideas and how you think, how you view the world. These are every changing and quite unique.
Developing/Transforming Force: Six of Diamonds

The talent you are developing is being fulfilled in your possessions, with your skills and with the respect you receive from others. You can relax with regard to financial and material resources because the good will always come, you are taken care of by Divine Providence and always receive what you need. You are enjoying your material resources and valuable skills that work but there is no need to push to get more out of it. The Six of Diamonds is a relaxed card. Relaxed with what? Relaxed with what you value and comfortable in your self worth. You develop this feeling throughout your life.
Destructive Force: Four of Spades

What will change you and make shifts in your consciousness is something solid and secure, usually pertaining to your health and mental well-being. The Four of Spades is secure in their physical, psychological and spiritual identity and this will cause what is no longer necessary in their life to fall away. Something stable about your being will make massive internal shifts within your psyche and body.