Five of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Five of Hearts: 30 October, 28 November, 26 December
For the Five of Hearts Birth Card, it is Time to improve upon emotional connections and creative expression through aesthetics, art and music. You want to find the connection that is deeper than the connections most people have. It is as if you have an attitude that wants to throw away safety and really go for it! You want better than what gets most people through the day, you will continue trying to find more within your Suit of Hearts and that involves connections you make to all types of people, or to pets, nature and creativity that you express. The Five of Hearts Birth Card will try to discover more emotionally, more from sex but the sad truth is there are only a few ways available that work. The Five of Hearts is trying to find that way. Number 5 = The Heirophant in the Tarot who is essentially the Teacher. We currently live in an Age where the information that is taught does not work like it should so the Number 5 battles on, trying to find a better way in emotional connectedness. You could be a struggling artist at some point in your life, you have a restlessness in love but also intimacy. You improve upon feelings and others generally react well to you emotionally because you naturally improve upon feelings.
Path Card: Two of Clubs

The Five of Hearts Birth Card is traveling a path of gaining useful information, a path of being busy, a path of attracting the right career or work for you. Twos are about, “Aha! This is just what I wanted.” So you will move through life attracting situations where you get what you need from your career and also from knowledge. The Two of Clubs is a card of reading and messages. The knowledge you gain will help you in any career choice you make. You will also attract the right social contacts to further your work and learning. There will be opportunities to ‘connect with the wind’ like riding in a convertible or on a motorcycle or skiing. You are walking a path of connecting to time, like watches, clocks, astrologers. There will be lots of social invitations and activity on social media.
Initiating Force: King of Clubs

The “Initiating Force” is also called the Jack Card. For a Five of Hearts Birth Card, the King of Clubs in the Jack Card inhibits the initiating force somewhat because the Kings are all about saying, “no”, about limitations. This means that what flows through a person, what gives them their uniqueness is finishing things rather than beginning them, and in particular, finishing work or career, finishing learning. The ways and methods you complete work or learning is highly individualized, ingenious and ever-changing. It makes you who you are. All Kings finish and they specialize. The King of Clubs in this position allows the Five of Hearts Birth Card to highly specialize in a profession or type of work and do it in a way that no one else has discovered.
Developing/Transforming Force: Jack of Diamonds

The Five of Hearts Birth Card is here to develop the talent of taking something of obvious value and transforming it into something of returnable value. You have the self-worth to believe in that potential. They develop respect, status and financial resources. What you acquire, materially speaking is obvious. You have unlimited potential in developing valuable skills and resources. You develop and transform new opportunities, it is always something new and very often something new to society. You work to explore the potential of new things.
Destructive Force: Four of Hearts

What brings about massive internal shifts is being secure in your relationships. And that means all types of relationships. Those who are your well-wishers, those who are on your side will prompt you to let go of limiting habits, people and/or situations. Have a stable love will facilitate major changes and some losses of those things that no longer serve you. If the loss causes pain then it is your ego that is hurting, that does not want to let go and the ego or ideas of what you think you need or are attached to, is not real.