Five of Diamonds Birth Card

Dates for Five of Diamonds: 22 January, 20 February, 18 March, 16 April, 14 May, 12 June, 10 July, 8 August, 6 September, 4 October, 2 November. You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
It is Time to improve on life, to increase one’s financial worth, to increase self-worth and develop valuable skills. Fives always improve upon something and that “something” is, more often than not, a struggle to improve. The Five of Diamonds Birth Card improves upon those things ruled by Diamonds such as material and financial resources and valuable skills. It is very personal to the individual what they improve because everyone values different things. Some value wealth, some value beauty and health, some value knowledge and skillfulness. The 5 of Diamonds looks for ways to make their life better, looks for life strategies that will give maximum benefit to their efforts. The main idea is the 5 of Diamonds wants to increase their self-worth and wants to understand if a strategy, career or financial opportunity is worth their time and effort. All Diamonds understand that whatever they want in life, there is a price to be paid and no one understands this better than the 5 of Diamonds because Life literally forces them to work for it, they have an insatiable drive to make life better.
Path Card: Two of Spades

The 2 of Spades denotes protecting yourself from gossip, retreating after having been wounded either physically or emotionally. It signifies news that causes stress. It rules over the time of life where you need something to survive, like the baby needing mother’s milk, so you become aware that you need something to survive. The Path of the Five of Diamonds Birth Card is to have miscommunication and sometimes, to be forced to learn another language. Communication with our parents is something we need to do to survive, even if it is non-verbal. A Spade is always a card of choice, either to be resentful or to turn inward and release limited patterns of thinking and behaving. The 2 of Spades is a path of attracting what you need for emotional, spiritual, physical and psychological health.
Initiating Force: Eight of Hearts

The Initiating Force for a Five of Diamonds Birth Card comes from a place of Self-Love and from the inspiration this Self-Love gives, that will mirror how the person feels about themselves in the outside world. This is one of the most important cards in the deck as it signals the love, care and support a person receives from the outside world is not enough, they must go deeper and become emotionally self-sufficient. The person’s individuality in constantly renewed through Self-Love and emotional independence. Emotional growth facilitates inspiration and individuality.
Developing/Transforming Force: Six of Clubs

The Five of Diamonds Birth Card person spends a lot of their life upon the 6 of Clubs which is a card that is the most practically useful. Being practically useful is what is sustained throughout the person’s life. They are constantly working on being the most useful, full of energy and getting the most potential out of their career and knowledge. The person will develop the ability to communicate with a lot of people at once, through any type of social media. They will nurture the ability to speak to groups of people. The person will transform their energy and intelligence to be successful. A 6 of Clubs in this position will also grow the ability to handle a lot of tasks and to get many things done.
Destructive Force: Six of Spades

The Card that will ultimately change the 5 of Diamonds is the 6 of Spades. Earth is a repair shop for broken beings and the master mechanic that is here to repair the 5 of Diamonds in the 6 of Spades. Sixes are something that works and in the case of Spades, it is the body and psychology. Thus a 6 of Spades will allow the 5 of Diamonds person to let go of what is no longer working through being the strongest and most physically healthy, being the most psychologically healthy and overcoming great physical or mental obstacles. The person will make great internal shifts through ending unhealthy patterns in the body, mind and spirit. By becoming who they want to be and shedding whatever is necessary to reach that goal, the 5 of Diamonds birth card will let go of people, places and situations that no longer serve the person.