Five of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Five of Clubs: 31 March, 29 April, 27 May, 25 June, 23 July, 21 August, 19 September, 17 October, 15 November, 13 December
For a Five of Clubs Birth Card, it is Time to improve and transform your work, your career and your knowledge. Not content to just get by in your career, you want to take a job or career that is stable and secure and work with it, grow it into something bigger and better, something that inspires you. Fives are difficult in that they constantly try new things searching for improvement. Many times the things you try will not work, but it is important to keep trying, especially in regards to your career and what you are learning. It is important to keep trying making social contacts because by nature, Five of Clubs is more social than most and you want to reach higher in your social circle. If you are trying to experience your work and knowledge above and beyond the average, you are living the promise of your Birth Card. Fives are about trying and improving.
Path Card: King of Hearts

The Five of Clubs Birth Card is traveling a path of understanding the limits of connectedness in worldly relationships, of opportunities to develop self-love and acceptance, and of opportunities to develop Divine Love and connectedness to all of Life. You are making sacrifices for your emotional connections and in so doing, you have greater fulfillment. Kings give a lot of fulfillment because of sacrifice. Human evolution is dependent upon the ego diminishing, upon his grasp over our psyche getting smaller. You will meet with opportunities to give up a little bit of your ideas about yourself for the greater good, for the bigger picture of happiness in your life. You will encounter situations that will have you hone your focus on very specific things to which you are emotionally attached. These could be certain feeling you get when performing certain activities, they could be people or places or deities of your devotion.
Initiating Force: King of Diamonds

The Five of Clubs Birth Card is here to explore being happy with whatever the world offers in terms of material and financial resources and valuable skills. You are here to explore the limits of financial abundance. This does not mean you are not successful or even wealthy, it means that exploring limitations and having a unique way of doing so, is the promise of this card. You will push it to the limits when you develop your valuable skills and realizing these limits, will move onto another skill. It is a little bit of a contradiction in terms to “explore limits” but embodying limits is a very powerful thing because everything in the phenomenal world has limits. What flows through you is material abundance, a natural knack to see deep into the reality of a situation, like a psychic or intuitive and the ability to find more and different kinds of self-worth.
Developing/Transforming Force: Six of Hearts

For the Five of Clubs Birth Card, you are developing the art of relaxing and letting the good relationships, the beautiful art and music come to you. There is a level of content with relationships, art, music and appreciation of nature. But it is something you must work on. In the early part of life, if you do not have self-love, you will attract and connect with those who reflect that lack of self love and who abuse and disrespect you. Once you develop self-love, you will attract those who appreciate and value you and it will be mostly effortless. You can enjoy experiences that work but there is no need to push to get more out of a relationship or emotional connection. The Six of Hearts here is a relaxed card.
Destructive Force: Four of Clubs

For the Five of Clubs Birth Card, what makes the shifts in your consciousness is the security of your work. The stable job and ideas about the world is allows you to let go of what is no longer working in your life, whether it be people, situations or limiting habits or concepts. Sometimes the loss may be great or cause pain, but it is designed to get rid of the rubbish that is no longer part of who you are.