Eight of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Eight of Spades: 6 January, 4 February, 2 March
It is Time to take the inner journey and work out all of the physical and psychological issues that are not working and preventing you from becoming a better person and the best version of yourself you can be. Your happiness will depend upon how much you grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually, how much healthier you become. The Eight of Spades corresponds to the Chariot in the Tarot so you are an explorer, someone who is up for the challenge, someone who is willing to confront themselves. The Eight of Spaded Birth Card can make you feel stuck, whether actually stuck because of some physical ailment, stuck because you are confined, or stuck because of a mental concept or worldview. By taking the inner journey, the Eight of Spades birth card can learn why they feel stuck and the attitude they need to take to not feel confined. This Birth Card allows for a great opportunity to discover what is wrong inside of you. Spades are about what is not working and learning how to change it, and with the Eight, it is about changing internally, adapting to situations. Your confinement will only feel like a prison is there is something on the other side of the wall you want. An ashram is the Eight of Spades. It also signifies an astrology reading or psychiatric evaluation because you want to discover how you can improve internally and remove obstacles to your inner happiness. You are an excellent investigator and can see through deception in others and yourself.
Path Card: Queen of Spades

The Eight of Spades Birth Card is traveling a path of ambition and self-improvement. You are meeting with experiences that will cause you to become emotionally mature and centered. You will develop the most advanced powers of concentration and no outer circumstances can harm your inner poise. The experiences you meet with in life will require that you become a leader. You will make long-term investments in your physical, emotional and psychological health. Situations will cause you to become more in control of yourself and the circumstances around you. Can make someone a superb athlete or someone who can overcome great physical and/or psychological challenges.
Initiating Force: Jack of Clubs

Powerful force of manifestation of ideas, career and social opportunities. You are highly creative and are able to attract what you need to further your career prospects, job opportunities and social standing. You will find the best way to make things happen and will constantly be busy, constantly have your mind occupied with work and learning. Your knowledge and the career you decide to pursue will be a great source of excitement. You will want to constantly explore what you can do.
Developing/Transforming Force: Nine of Diamonds

You will take something of obvious value and turn it into something of greater and returnable value. You are developing your self-worth and your financial and material worth. You are developing a talent for seeing deep into the reality of all situations that usually manifests as a powerful intuition or psychism. The Nine of Diamonds is the card of astrology and psychic ability and you will nourish this talent throughout your life. In this position, the Nine of Diamonds gets stronger as you get older. You have unlimited potential to increase your value and skills. You will also want to put the Divine into your value and earnings. This is a card of charity and realizing that resources flow through you and giving of your resources or skills will give you bigger and bigger returns.
Destructive Force: Seven of Spades

The Eight of Spades Birth Card will be challenged by problems and circumstances will manifest that will cause you to question yourself. You are the only one that has to remove that part of yourself that is not working. It can be from physical challenges, from feeling low, but you can flick the switch inside yourself, by ourself. Something will give you the power to say, “No, not this anymore.” You decide you will not live under any self-imposed limitation. A loss or something falling apart in regards to your physical or emotional health is the catalyst that makes you let go of parts of yourself or worldview that is not working. If you do not let go, you will suffer all the more or spiral into addictions. You are here to finish chapters in your life and mental attitude, you are not here to live in perpetual sameness.