Eight of Hearts Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Date for Eight of Hearts: 31 August, 29 September, 27 October, 25 November, 23 December
It is Time to be aware of what you need to thrive and grow emotionally. The Eight of Hearts Birth Card is a mirror that shows you how much you love yourself and gives connections in your life that reflects how you feel about yourself. All Eights are mirrors. The Eight of Hearts Birth Card is a mirror of self-love. Problems that arise in your relationships, not just romantic relationships, will show you how you can solve your own emotional problems. It is Time to make valuable connections with friends, family, lovers, pets, nature and God. You are designed to connect in this lifetime and because it is an Eight, you will make those connections that reflect back your level of self-love. If you are having a lot of trouble in your close connections or those close to you end those connections, it is Time to sort out what you do not love about yourself. Once you have healthy self-love, you will attract those people or situations that will give you emotional fulfillment.
Path Card: Ten of Spades

This is a powerful position because the “Path Card” is the 10th position and there is a 10 card here. You are traveling a path of self-discovery, a path of becoming healthier, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You are traveling a path of working out problems and in so doing, you will discover your weaknesses and release them as you grow and get stronger. It is figuring out problems and self-improvement that is this path. You are very much actively involved in studying the greatest mystery which is yourself. Spades are about the Self and how to make it more self-sufficient and strong, a Self that realizes itself.
Initiating Force: Five of Clubs

For the Eight of Hearts Birth Card, you are unique in your ideas and career. You will be constantly discovering new ideas and ways of thinking, encountering new jobs and career opportunities, making new friends and social contacts. The new careers you experience will be careers that you improve upon in some way, the foundation is already there and you have ingenious ways of improving upon it. 5s are about improving upon things, making things better and this is your unique talent. Clubs are our social interactions, work, ideas and movement, so improving upon these things is what comes naturally to you.
Developing/Transforming Force: Three of Diamonds

You are developing the ability to transform things that have problems, that are not quite right, that have something dysfunctional about them. You can change any of these things, usually something concrete like a home, a skill, any material possessions or a financial opportunity, and transform them into something that works. Even the little quirks of what you are experimenting with will become endearing and valuable to you. Think of flipping houses which is a good example. The imperfections will be transformed into a returnable investment, you will actually add value to the imperfections and you will find it exciting. You will grow in your level experimentation and also nurture the talent of learning new and valuable skills. It is a lifetime of learning new things. Three of Diamonds is an apprentice/artisan card. This is growing throughout your life.
Destructive Force: Ace of Spades

When a new problem comes into your life, it will allow you to let go of people, situations, or attitudes that hold you back, that are no longer useful or needed in your life. An example is a new illness that befalls you and those you thought were your friends are not there for you like you had hoped or expected, and you realize they are fair-weather friends and after you recover, you remove them from your life. Or a new way of improving your health makes you realize your old eating habits were slowly killing you, so you change that habit for good. This is how the Ace of Spades works on the Destructive Card.