Ace of Spades Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Ace of Spades: 13 January, 11 February, 9 March, 7 April, 5 May, 3 June, 1 July
For the Ace of Spades Birth Card, it is Time for a new You. It is Time to tackle problems and as a result become stronger and healthier, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Spade Suit is about the Self, and that includes all aspects of the Self, the physical, psychological and spiritual. When you are an Ace of Spades Birth Card, you will go through many transformations of these things and become a brand new person, oftentimes because of adversities but not always. It is Time to know new ways of self-improvement, of getting healthier, new ways of psychological and emotional transformation. And while you do this, you leave behind the Old Self or the Old Self is dissolved in the new Self. If you are neglecting transformation and giving in to despair and bad habits, you are not living the promise of your Birth Card. You have the power to change what you do not like about yourself. If you do not use that power, it will go into destructive actions of habits.
Path Card: Six of Hearts

An Ace of Spades Birth Card is traveling a path of artistic success, a path of fulfillment in feeling and connecting with others. The experiences you encounter in connecting with people, situations, spirituality are the best experiences that are possible. The Six is the most efficient in whichever Suit it represents. A Six of Hearts is the best, most efficient, highest you can reach with making emotional connections and devotion. At the Six, you get the best of what is most realistically possible. This is usually a harmonious placement if you do not want more. You are on a road where the emotional connections in you life are working for you. If you want more from these connections, that is where problems can set in.
Initiating Force: Four of Clubs

What is unique about the Ace of Spades Birth Card is your security in your work and knowledge. New, fresh experiences come from the consistent work or career, the stability in your knowledge and philosophical platform. You realize who you are through the stability of your work. You may grow up with ideas about excitement and adventure, but then realize that a stable career is what works for you and you can really be yourself in such a position. There will be a time in your life when you find what kind of work fits or what kind of knowledge fits and when that happens, it will be stable.
Destructive Force: Jack of Spades

You will be excited and curious about new ways of getting healthier, physically and emotionally, and through these methods you will make massive changes in your psyche. The Jack of Spades relates very strongly to the Ace of Spades Birth Card because the Jack energizes the Ace. Since this is the Pluto or “King” position, through these new discoveries of various methods of self-improvement and shift will take place within you. By putting a lot of your curiosity into self-improvement methods, limiting concepts and habits will be shed from your life. This can also happen with people and situations that are no longer serving your evolution.