Ace of Diamonds Birth Card

Dates for Ace of Diamonds: 26 January, 24 February, 22 March, 20 April, 18 May, 16 June, 14 July, 12 August, 10 September, 8 October, 6 November, 4 December. You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
The Ace of Diamonds Birth Card can build a foundation for anything worthwhile. The person gets degrees or certifications for skills that are valuable. The person is able to make many fresh starts throughout their lives and is adept at starting over again once they are psychologically finished with their current mode of living. The person is tuned to anything new, especially learning new skills throughout their lives, a plethora of new financial opportunities, immersing themselves in new circumstances, finding new things that are valuable, especially to the native. All Diamonds are personal as in the fact that what is valuable to each individual is very personal and unique. The native meets new people all the time and usually these people bring some type of material opportunity. Aces are foundations, so the Ace of Diamonds provides a foundation for material resources and financial well-being. What the person does with that foundation is seen through other cards in the spread but be aware that the Ace of Diamonds person is fully realizing their card through being aware of new opportunities.
Path Card: Nine of Diamonds

The Ace of Diamonds Birth Card is walking a path of activity, of getting a lot done. The Ecliptic Card is a good card that will get better as time passes. You are walking a path of new activities, new knowledge and new career opportunities. Encountering these new things as you walk down the road of life is designed to build up the Suit of Clubs, which is ideas, knowledge and work. New ideas to build up your knowledge, new work to build up your career, new communication to build up your curiosity. On this path, the 4 of Diamonds person is constantly acquiring new information and new job and business opportunities. Also, new ideas flow from within the person, the newness does not always come from the outside world.
Initiating Force: 7 of Spades

The Ace of Diamonds Birth Card realizes their uniqueness through limitations, especially physical and psychological limitations. This is not to say that the person is born with or develops physical and psychological limitations, but when they do experience these limitations, they become more of who they are, their uniqueness shines through and they deal with these things in ever-new ways. When the Ace of Diamonds person attempts some extraordinary physical feat, they usually do not reach the top, the 7 of Spades tells them, you cannot do that, there are limits to what you can do. Dealing with psychological weakness through addictions will also foster a sense of individuality, the person will handle these issues in unique and ingenious ways. Overall, limitations in the realm of the Self is what gives the person their childlike wonder, it is what causes life to flow through them.
Developing/Transforming Force: Two of Clubs

The Ace of Diamonds Birth Card will nurture and transform how they communicate and how they learn. They develop their sense of time and how time plays upon their lives, through astrology or working with clocks, anything that gets them connected to time. There is a lot of movement and change throughout their lives, probably never staying in one place for long. Social media and giving and receiving information grows stronger as they get older and they are working on these skills to make them as efficient as possible. They are transforming their knowledge and career to work for them and as they get older, they get better and better at it. The person will take their career and turn it into something robust, they are able to transform knowledge they are already familiar with in some capacity and make it into something that gives them fulfillment.
Destructive Force: King of Clubs

An Ace of Diamonds person rids themselves of limiting concepts and habits through finding meaningful work to do, through finding the career or knowledge for which they are willing to sacrifice. A King on the destructive card is very powerful. In fact, the Ace of Diamonds Birth Card will find that a lot of their happiness and success in life will be through getting rid of things, through concentrating most of their energy on one thing, especially in the realm of work, knowledge and social gatherings. You will let go of all the distractions that keep you from doing something wonderful and this will become more powerful as you get older. Sacrifice is part of having a good life. The King of Clubs in this position is about sacrificing all the concepts and ideas that you think you should have, either through society or your upbringing, and once those are gone, you can concentrate more fully on what inspires you.