Ace of Clubs Birth Card

You must be born between sunrise of these dates and sunrise of the following day.
Dates for Ace of Clubs: 31 May, 29 June, 27 July, 25 August, 23 September, 21 October, 19 November, 17 December
For an Ace of Clubs Birth Card, it is time to get things done and be busy. You are here to do new work, a new career that is not only new to you but in a sense, new to the entire world. Aces are a foundation of their Suit, so you set a new foundation for your work life and career. Many new and innovative ideas arise within you and set a foundation for you career. New ideas and philosophical concepts also are a major part of your existence. What you do with these new ideas is up to you but the possibilities and foundation are there. It is very possible that you will become a pioneer in your field or you are a pioneer within your school or learning environment. Many new social contacts are also a blessing throughout life. New hobbies and interests are numerous.
Path Card: Nine of Clubs

For the Ace of Clubs Birth Card, you are traveling a path of making a deeper connection to your knowledge. Usually this manifests as having many experiences that cause you to become philosophical and go beyond the mundane thinking about everyday things. Your experiences will teach you to embody knowledge and not just mundane facts but the underlying meanings of events and phenomena. This is also a card of long-term careers and long-term business contracts. You will evolve to a position of not regarding your career as something just “to pay the bills”, you will come to see your work as something divinely inspired. This is the promise of the Nine of Clubs on the Path Card.
Initiating Force: Nine of Spades

What naturally flows through an Ace of Clubs Birth Card is their deep connection with their inner strength, their inner power and grit, their ability to get through anything and see the deeper meaning in tackling and overcoming adversitities. You naturally have a lot of empathy fo r people’s suffering and you offer care and solutions in a variety of ways. The ways in which you can heal the suffering of others is quite unique and what individualizes you.
Developing/Transforming Force: Two of Hearts

The Ace of Clubs Birth Card is developing the talent for making meaningful connections and self-love in this life. A Heart Card here will show the person how much they love themselves by the connections they make. If they make connections with those that are disrespectful and abusive, this serves to show the Ace of Clubs they need to develop more self-love. Once they do that, they will attract those that benefit their lives and help them in their evolution. You are learning how to connect in all types of relationships and how to improve upon those relationships. You can become an established, successful artist if you are so inclined. Hearts represent Art and Music and the connection to Spirit they bring and this Card position develops that talent to a great degree. If you are ascetically or spiritually inclined, you will improve upon and develop a strong connection to your chosen spiritual path.
Destructive Force: King of Hearts

The force that helps you overcome the lower self is getting rid of all the bad habits and false concepts that prevent you from being a compassionate being. Sacrificing for that which you love will remove all that hinders you, all that serves to hold you down in false consciousness. False consciousness equals relying on the outside world to give you love, worth and validation. Those that do this have reached a very high state of consciousness and it is difficult to do but also very easy if you are willing to make the sacrifice of the idea of who you think you are. If the world does not support your self-image or if you believe the world does not support it, then usually you feel pain or anger but this happens to show you that you are not a set of ideas about who you are. Who you are is unfathomable and in this realization, you are able to have compassion for all living beings (King of Hearts).